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Well I have herd some rumurs about a early doe hunt in september. Well i emailed the DNR to ask them and they told me that it is true and it will be held on September 18th - 22nd in zone 3. I am not to crazy about this early hunt at all because deer hunting is to long right now. The youth hunt will be messed up for the kids. Bow season is going to suck bug time.

what do you think about it.



The boat does not come out of the water until the 3rd week of October. I usually dont start hunting until after its out.


I am changing my tactics this year.

Gonna keep chasing the walleye till it's deer season.

Our season here opens early, so I will try for a deer the first few days, then back to fishing.


There are WAY too many deer by me. It is having a drastic impact on the farm comunities, so I can appreciate the effort of trying to lower the population.

However, I am NOT at all in favor of an early season. If the early doe season becomes a mainstream and my bow season suffers, I may just opt to give up hunting here altogether. The small number of gun hunters that shoot at anything that moves, trespass, and are overall rude and inconsiderate is a big negative in my book. The select few rude hunters are very good at hindering my enjoyment of hunting. I can't imagine an early firearm season would help that.

I also don't think the end result will be very effective. If you deter bow hunters and hurt the youth hunt, then the total deer taken may not change very much at all. If youths struggle during thier hunt, the population of future hunters will also decrease, which in turn will decrease the number of deer taken.

Overall, the September hunt sounds poor to me and I think better alternatives should be explored.


Shooting deer in Sept-that sucks, unless it's for the youth hunt.

They should cut back on muzzleload buck hunting and make all December doe only if they want to kill more does. They could extend doe season into January if enough aren't shot. I agree more does need to be shot in southern MI but we need to take some pressure off killing all the small bucks. How about a one buck rule and shoot all the does you need for meat.


Deer hunting is already like working a second job. If they have an early doe season in Sept I probably will not participate. I use the month of September to put boats away, pull the dock and get ready for bow season. I think most serious hunters will think it is too warm in September also. My thoughts.


I find it hard sitting in the tree stand sweating my butt off. Last year I opted to salmon fish the first 2 weeks of bow season instead of hunting and I think I enjoyed that way more. For people that find it hard enough to do any kind of preseason scouting an early gun hunt would jack everything up. I find that living in the middle of state land exposes me to all the people who hunt these woods and honestly I have all but given up gun hunting cause its nothing but a bunch of friggin poachers. The DNR in my area frequently stop by my house to ask whats going on and all I have to say is sit in my front yard and just wait a poacher is riding down the road every 10 min. If anything extend bow season you would get much more quality managment because I feel dedicated bow hunters have much more respect for the animal and the sport. Just my 2 cents.


I plan to hunt it, the more opportunity for deer hunting the better. I hunt all private farm/wooded land in Cass county and we need to take more does. I will be careful and set up in an area I do not plan to bow hunt later. But, my luck is Mr BuckOfaLifetime will come strolling by anyway, just like during the late doe season last year.


Ya if they are going to have this late doe season, I will hunt also for the meat for my family and just because other will do the same. But in September it will probly be warm and you will have to get your deer processed as soon as possible. I am a deer processor and it looks like if I get a deer in I will have to get it cut up that day. I rather let them hang a few days or at least one day, but you have to do what ya gotta do.


Oh by the way, has anyone seen the paper yet about you can shot a elbino deer now. It was in the Grand Rapids paper but I have not looked into that.

  • 1 month later...

How many here feel the same way I do in that when mr big buck does come buy that the guys who are hunting this early season will end up shooting that deer. Of cours over by me is orangeville and they hunt eveyday of the year. And my fields tend to be a good choice for them to poach from the road with rifles.

  silver one said:
How many here feel the same way I do in that when mr big buck does come buy that the guys who are hunting this early season will end up shooting that deer. Of cours over by me is orangeville and they hunt eveyday of the year. And my fields tend to be a good choice for them to poach from the road with rifles.

That will deffinately happen along with the people who won't stop gun hunting in September! With the funding cuts, they don't have the man power to police the seasons they have. There's a small portion of hunters(same type who tresspass and ruin stands) who tend to show up more prominantly during gun seasons that will shoot whatever they see regardless of tags/saftey/boundaries.

My dad hunted his last year in 2007 due to the lack of policing. He's got to spend so much time keeping people off his expensive, freshly planted wheat/alfalfa fields that he gets no enjoyment of the season anymore. Plus, there's always people tearing up his tresspassing signs, stealing/breaking his deer stands off his property, etc. He didn't enjoy it at all last year, so that ended that.

I'm nearly to that point with the existing firearm season. I don't typically have any issues during bow season. It would hinder my enjoyment to find my stands all messed up on Oct 1st after fixing/replacing them all this summer from last year's gun hunt, particular because I pay the loan and taxes on my little piece of ground my stands are on. If I don't get enjoyment from the bow hunt, then I'll be in the same position as my dad and 2008 will be my last year. I hope it doesn't happen, but fearful it will.


We would be better off with an "Earn a buck" program, where you must take a doe first in order to shoot a buck. It would lower the population and at the same time increase the quality of the bucks, especially in the north half of the state where you are lucky to see a buck with more than 4 points.

  tanglefactor3 said:
We would be better off with an "Earn a buck" program, where you must take a doe first in order to shoot a buck. It would lower the population and at the same time increase the quality of the bucks, especially in the north half of the state where you are lucky to see a buck with more than 4 points.

I agree 100% with this

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