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So as I contemplate my perfect boat that I am going to buy in five years...:o I keep going back and forth on whether I like Hard tops or not. On one hand THe hard top seems to create more "cabin space" It's more secure more weatherproof and I'd guess more comfortable in general. ON the other hand the reason I like boatin is being out on the water. Out being the key word and I'd hate to feel trapped in doors on a nice day. After all wouldn't a canvas enclosure be enough to keep me mostly dry in any type of weather I'm likely to be out in. (maybe I"m not as die hard as I thought.) Keep in mind I'm talking 21-23ft boat. I'd like to hear your opinions on this since I don't have much personal experience with hardtops.


What about a T-Top. Not fully enclosed but a permanent top to keep people out of the elements, but the breeze is till in your face. Then you can get canvas unclosures if the weather is real bad. Just a thought.


Ya know I'm a HT man.:)

I like to be out of the sun. I spent too many years working outside in all kinds of weather. The Hardtop gives you a place for rod storage GPS antenna etc. Mine is open more than most HTs, but the side curtains go in quickly. I mounted an 8 rod rocket launcher, along with two 55 W Halogen lights for fishing, and my all around aft light. I'm building SS Bird Trees that will go from the HT sides down to the gunwales. The HT with a camper canvas or just a regular canvas cover from the top to the stern makes a great shelter when you have the boat slipped over night. Lot of options with a HT.

One drawback is trying to dock in a cross wind. You do get pushed around a lot more by the wind. If I notice a cross wind I will dock on the up wind side of the dock. Another drawback is you need at least a 10 ft high door to get it inside.

  boomerang said:
oh.....if i had a million dollars.......you could get the best of both worlds......one word.....FLYBRIDGE!!!!!!

The higher the better for Boomerang.:lol:


Yeah I do like the the options a ht provides when it comes to gear. Last year we were looking at some 70's Tiara's sedans with the flying bridges. I almost pulled the trigger because I liked the set up so much.....Just hard to do with so old of a boat. I figured whatever I paid I'd have to double it in repairs and upgrades.....I also love the look of a center counsole with a t-top especially if you had the side curtains....That might be a great compromise.


When 2footitus strikes me again I'm looking for a hard t-top. About 10 yrs ago I had a Lund hardtop. I overheat easily at it was just too hot for me in july and august. Now i fish under a canvas top which is always up rain or shine. Just my opinion.

  salmonquest said:
Yeah I do like the the options a ht provides when it comes to gear. Last year we were looking at some 70's Tiara's sedans with the flying bridges. I almost pulled the trigger because I liked the set up so much.....Just hard to do with so old of a boat.

My father had a Trojan F32 in the 80's. A bridge boat is very rocky in waves. This is why most charter captains prefer the express models for fishing.

  Satisfaxion_Gauranteed said:
For me, a walk around with a hard T-top and canvas enclosure. It gives the best of both worlds.

This is the exact setup that I will be looking for when I buy my new boat(hopefully next year). I love the versatility of the walkarounds and the t-top. As soon as the wedding is over I'll be saving my pennies for my new boat.


I just got a 26' PennYan with soft top.

But, I am building my own arches for rod racks, lights, antenna's etc.

I really like the soft top, I can get in out of the sun or rain, and I don't have to worry about knocking myself out if I forget to duck when entering the cabin area.


Hey guys, new here but figured I'd weigh in since I have a HT. My 25 Pro Line walk around is rigged with one, and I really like it. Rocket launchers, radar, gps and VHF antennas all up top, curtains go in and out pretty quick for early / late season, still plenty of room to catch the sun up front and in the cockpit. I have an electronics box for radar, gps, sonar hung from it, saves helm space and lets me lock the stuff up easily. For me a HT is a natural on a walk or CC.



I love my flybridge no mater what the water condtions..have had both opens & hardtops..would not go back..but if i had to i would do a hardtop with a tuna tower.


i bought a hardtop last year and its the best thing going now in my oppinion. Nothing staying dry after getting caught in some snotty weather 10 miles offshore.

  shu9265 said:
I just got a 26' PennYan with soft top.

But, I am building my own arches for rod racks, lights, antenna's etc.

I really like the soft top, I can get in out of the sun or rain, and I don't have to worry about knocking myself out if I forget to duck when entering the cabin area.

Bill, why in the hell would you buy one of those big , ugly, heavy, and did I mention, THIRSTY boats, just kidding


PENN YAN boats:

Big? Oh Yeah! The bigger the better!

Ugly? Not to me. Penn Yan's are one of the two or three best looking Great Lakes boats in my eye! Tiara and Rampage are the other hotties that make me drool. :D

Heavy? Heck yeah! Got 5-7 footers? NO BIG DEAL...Let's go fish! Aluminum is for beer cans. :eek:

Thirsty? Nah. We average about 10 gals/day for an off-shore salmon trip and about 2/3 that for on-shore browns. Not too bad for a boat with an 11' beam with twin 350's that can push it to over 40mph.


Oh, and I'm a hard-top guy too! :grin::grin::grin:


I love the hard top. My thompson has a hard top, my BIL has a soft top. While the soft top can help keep you dry, it doesn't do the job of a hard top. Like mentioned above, there is nothing like a hardtop to keep you dry. If I am scheduled to go on a fishing trip, I don't care if it is raining. You can stay dry at the helm, and a good rain suit will do the rest for you while you're setting lines.

  Billy V said:
PENN YAN boats:

Big? Oh Yeah! The bigger the better!

Ugly? Not to me. Penn Yan's are one of the two or three best looking Great Lakes boats in my eye! Tiara and Rampage are the other hotties that make me drool. :D

Heavy? Heck yeah! Got 5-7 footers? NO BIG DEAL...Let's go fish! Aluminum is for beer cans. :eek:

Thirsty? Nah. We average about 10 gals/day for an off-shore salmon trip and about 2/3 that for on-shore browns. Not too bad for a boat with an 11' beam with twin 350's that can push it to over 40mph.


Oh, and I'm a hard-top guy too! :grin::grin::grin:

Just kidding Billy, I have the same boat Shu just bought, I use an average of 30 -40 gallons a day running 15 miles each way and trolling all day, and mine is just a single big block


I figured you were kidding and my response was written that way too! Wow, 15 miles each way each day...YIKES!!! That hurts my wallet to just think about it!!

  DeadWater said:
When 2footitus strikes me again I'm looking for a hard t-top. About 10 yrs ago I had a Lund hardtop. I overheat easily at it was just too hot for me in july and august. Now i fish under a canvas top which is always up rain or shine. Just my opinion.

Dans think alike. Full Canvas and plastic zip windows. Then adjust, remove, and/or leave on the curtains to the type of day that it is.:grin: Cannot count the compliments from clients about the extended canvas top on hot sunny days.


I like any kind of a cover on a hot sunny day. The hardtops and canvas are nice in the rain, but to me it's so nice to get in the shade on a hot day. I spent too much time in the sun in all the seasons.


I am a hardtop man, have the 240 fisherman, another thing to look at is how long are you going to keep the boat. If this will be your last boat, you will have to replce the softtop, hardtop is forever. Just a thought for the future.


I am a hardtop man, have the 240 fisherman, another thing to look at is how long are you going to keep the boat. If this will be your last boat, you will have to replce the softtop, hardtop is forever. Just a thought for the future.


Rich, You think like I do $$$. The reason I think that way, is because my funds are very limited.:)

My HT is pretty open on 3 sides, but can button down in a hurry. :) The only real drawback that I have found, is it's is difficult to dock with a cross wind. In windy conditions I will wait for an opening on the upwind side of the dock. I'll try and come in a little bit out from the dock, and let the wind push me in. Frank

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