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Guys, I have most everything else but have not yet gone into copper or wire line salmon fishing.

However, living on Lake Superior, I do have wire line rods that were used for fishing lakers. They have 45# braided stainless wire on roller tip rods and with weight, typically run with 300 to 600 feet of line out to trace the bottom.

So the question is, could these be used for salmon? They are not set up on line counter reels since the objective was to keep letting out line until you bottom bounced.



Most run the wire with divers. I would think those roller rods are stout enough for a Dipsy. It wasn't that long ago that we all counted level wind passes or (bars as we called them). You can be just as accurate as a LC if you don't miscount. Example each pass of the level wind is so many feet. Measure it at home.

I have been reluctant to go with a wire setup. The 2 reasons being, I have done so well with braid, and if you do have a tangle wire line wins. we have had multiple fish on a quite a few times. In 06 out of Manistee 2 of us had a quad going. Charters like it because you can feel every move the fish makes. It excites the customer. On the plus side you can get deeper with a wire diver. When the fish are below 50 feet my riggers shine. Well!! I resisted leadcore until last year. I wonder if someone will convince me to buy some wire and a twilli tip. :) My motto is never say never.:)


Well, Frank,

I run both wire and power pro and year in and year out, the wire smokes the power pro for action. For whatever reason, it just gets whacked a whole lot more. I haven't found it to be any tougher on rods than any other presentation. I've got 2 Daiwa heartland diver rods with twilli tips that are 6 years ol and they are still like new.

I've only had 1 tangle with a wire diver, ever, and that was a 400' copper that a king on a wire diver got into, lost the fish, but didn't lose any rigs or tackle.



Has anyone tried to splice wire to braid or wire to mono?? Has anyone had a bad kink in their wire and made a splice wire to wire?? If you can make these splices will they run through a twilli OK? Will mono or braid run through the twilli tip?? What I'm getting at if you can make a strong splice to mono or braid, you could use 300 ft or so of wire on top of the backer. I'm not sure if I'm asking the impossible. :) But sometimes the impossible becomes reality. I have lived long enough to realize that.:)

Has anyone here tried running monel wire?? :)


twilly tips work well if you dont have the money for a roller rod. just make sure to watch your guides for wear. i used it all last year and had no problems.


I been using wire for a couple years now... I got a deal oon a couple of roller rods and I put together a daiwa heartland with a twilli tip.

To date, I've never seen any backer used on stainless, simply 1000' of 7 strand braided attached directly to the spool. First wrap is wound along with electrical tape to help it bite the arbor, otherwise it tends to slip. No leader either, just attach to a snap swivel and dipsey or thumper rig (Drop rig). Like it was said earlier, you can feel every twitch the fish makes.

You can use single strand, but it's more suceptable to kinks and its stiffer, the 7 strand is amazingly flexible and doesn't kink that easily.

  joelsanders said:
Is monel wire a single strand?

I have only seen monel in single strand. It's more malleable than other single strand wires.


I would definitely use backing if you are only using 300ft of wire. I would use at least 500 ft of wire and enough backing to fill the reel with the wire. I have used the albright knot with wire connected to power pro or dacron. I also use rods with twilli tips and have had no problems.

  Hookedup said:
I would definitely use backing if you are only using 300ft of wire. I would use at least 500 ft of wire and enough backing to fill the reel with the wire. I have used the albright knot with wire connected to power pro or dacron. I also use rods with twilli tips and have had no problems.

I was looking at the Albright knot but I wanted to know if it would work with the wire. Thanks for the information. Do you make the loop with the wire and wrap with the braid?? Because of the cost of Wire I was thinking about only spooling 300 ft of wire with about 900 ft of braid backer. I doubt if I would ever have more than 250 ft of line out.


With the albright knot make the loop with the wire. I use 500ft of wire I often have out 300 to 330ft when I run divers at around 100ft. If you dont need to fish that deep you should be ok, but if you get a mess in the wire you might lose 100ft and have to start over.


Frank, last year in the final WMFL event we were banging fish with 300-325 ft. of wire out on our divers. So don't say never. I run 1000' of Malin 7 strand on a Daiwa Sealine 47 LC. I use twilli tips on a Daiwa Heartland rod. My first year I had a cheap Eagle Claw roller rod and lost 3 dipsey/flasher/fly setups when the wire got hung up in the tip. So I would either spend the $120 on a Shimano Talora roller rod or the $38 on a Heartland and twilli. I would never buy another cheap roller rod. If you wanted to save a little cash you could probably put 600' of wire on a smaller(27 size) reel. I would be worried that if a fish ever got to the backer the knot would slice through the braid. It would suck to lose $30 worth of gear in order to save $15. I also figure that with the 1000' I could cut off quite a bit if it got kinked. I check my wire for kinks after every trip. It's a blast catching fish on wire. Also make sure that the wire is spooled on very tight. A lot of guys spool it on and then drop it overboard on their first trip with a 1# ball on the end. They let it all out and then spool it to get it tight. I have an 80 acre field behind my house so I just attached it to a 1# weight and walked out 1000' in the field. Then "fought" the "fish" all the way back to the house. My girlfriend said I looked dumb but it was spooled on nice and tight.


Just thought of something else. With the wire you will get burrs on the guides and the twilli. These burrs could slice right through braid. Once you have used a rod for wire, I wouldn't run anything else on that rod.


Thanks everyone for the advice. I have some things to think about now before I make the leap to wire.:) I hear you Nick on being penny wise and pound foolish. I may just wit until next yr to do a wire rig.

:)Actually my braids have done very well the past few years.:)

My riggers were hot in August last year. Glow Js were knocking the snot out of them.

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