caznik Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Hello Members, Well its about that time to once again and sign up to be on the West Michigan Fishing League. Now these fun competition events are for members that like to get out and meet some fishermen on this web site and have some fun competition against each other. These are no big money tournaments just fishermen off the web site having a great time fishing with each other. Also all fishermen that do sign up must all give out all info on the marine radio so other fishermen that are having some problems fishing may come in need of helping others that are in the league. I do not want any kind of cell phone talk out there or less of emergency. Remember this is a fun fishing league that I formed so we can meet other fishermen and just have a great time fishing on Lake Michigan together. Now we are having five events held this year and if you cannot make them all that is fine, just let me know when I post up the next fishing event on the site. But what I usually do is keep track of all your scores and the team with the highest score will win a fishing plaque for being the fishing champ of 2008. I sure hope you will give this a try; it’s a great time fishing with other fishermen in Michigan. Simple Rules For 2008: 1- Must pay entry fee at 4:30am(If you cannot make it and you think that you will be late than please call my cell phone) 2- All fishing events start at 5 am and must pull lines at 11am. 3- Weigh in starts at 12:30(If you get called two times at the weigh in and you are not there. You will be DQed 4- Cost is $15.00 a boat.($5.00 of it goes towards big fish) 5- All boats must only use 6 rods 6- 2-4 Man teams(If you have 4 or more fishermen in your boat as a team you can only catch a 3 MAN LIMIT) 7- Weigh in 5 fish of any kind (Salmon, Coho, Steelheads, Browns, and Lakers) 8- Each fish you bring in at the weigh in is 10 points each.(Up to 5 fish) 9- Make sure when you weigh your big fish for the big fish prize money that you know what fish is your biggest.(NO CHECKING AT THE SCALES) 10- NO - CULL RULE- If you net the fish or box the fish you must keep the fish. There will be no more throwing back fish or less they are under size. If you limit out on kings you might as well go in, because you are most likely to get kings most of the time anyways. Remember your fish counts as 10 points now and it does not matter what fish you get. 11- All captains that fish any event must sign a waiver form before they fish any event. You only have to sign it one time and it will cover you for all five events. Storm and Wind Warnings Members, We always have to fish safe so nobody gets hurt out fishing on Lake Michigan. So this is how the storm and wind warnings are going to work. All tournaments must be fished till 8am. If everyone is called back to shore because of any kind of storm warnings before 8am then the tournament will be called off till the blow date. You can either get you entry fee back or I can hold it till the next tournament. Every captain must make sure there radio is working on channel 72 or if it’s looking like the weather is getting to be questionable. Captains better make sure you have a cell phone to call any captain to see what’s going on. The weather man may call the weather nice the day before, but you never know what may happen on the day of the tournament. Dates For All Events 2008 Sunday May 4th- Portsheldon Blow date- Sunday May 18th Sunday June 1st- Portsheldon Blow date- Sunday June 8th Saturday July 12th- Portsheldon Blow date- Sunday July 13th Sunday August 10th- Muskegon Blow date- Sunday August 24th Sunday September 7th- Muskegon Blow date- September 14th Big Fish Game For 2008 This year will be a little bit different with the Big Fish Game. This year instead of each captain donating a spin doctor this year. Each captain will have to put in $10.00 to enter the Big Fish Game. You only have to put in one time only and that is it. You will have to pay me before you go out fishing and not at the weigh in. Any captain that wants to fish any of these tournaments can get in this fun game even though you just happen to sign up latter on.(BUT YOU CANNOT SIGN UP FOR THIS IN THE LAST EVENT) In this game the cash will be big and the winning captain can get something pretty good for there boat for fishing if he likes to. Now how this will work is the captain that has the BIGGEST fish of the year will win all the cash, but the captain must be present at the last tournament. Good luck captains… 2007 West Michigan Fishing League Champ Team Plumkrazy 2006 West Michigan Fishing League Champ Team Dirty Dog 2005 West Michigan Fishing League Champ Team Desperado 2004 West Michigan Fishing League Champ Team Trout Tracker Hope to see everyone that was in it last year and some new member's to, any questions please feel free to ask me. Caznik
caznik Posted January 1, 2008 Author Posted January 1, 2008 Team Name's1- Caznik(GLF)2- Plumkrazy 2007 Points Champ(GLF)3- Dirty Dog 2006 Points Champ(GLF)4- Nailer(MS)5- Tunedown(MS)6- Paulywood(GLF)7- Hollandpiper(MS)8- DV8OR(GLF)9- Sea-mac(GLF)10- Marrble eyes(MS)11- Sarah C(MS)12- Fishdog(MS)13- Hunt4ever(MS)14- tltorrice(GLF)15- Joelsanders(GLF)16- Catfishhoge(MS)17- brdhntr(MS)18- Sixshooter(MS)19- the8point(GLF)20- Oakley(MS)21- Tad Pole(MS)22- Severus(MS)23- RambleOn(MS)24- Thekingfisher(GLF)25- Unreel(GLF)26- fishsniffer(GLF)27-Umpqua.(MS)
caznik Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 plumkrazy said: put me down philGot ya down....Thanks PhilRich
caznik Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 DIRTY DOG said: count me in also richterryGot ya down Terry........Thanks,Rich
Paulywood Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 Sign me up too, Rich. I'm hoping to make a run at Phil's title. I'm trying to pick up Adam on the free agent market, I think that'll give me the edge I need!
caznik Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 Paulywood said: Sign me up too, Rich. I'm hoping to make a run at Phil's title. I'm trying to pick up Adam on the free agent market, I think that'll give me the edge I need! I put you down on the list Nick. Thanks, Rich
caznik Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 Dv8oR said: But of Frigging Course!!!! Your on my list to beat this year..... Thanks Tim, Rich
Dv8oR Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 caznik said: Your on my list to beat this year.....Thanks Tim, Rich Do I hear a little side betting......?!?!?!? I have this great Scope eyeball guard that I would put up to something you have to gamble...... hehehehehe.....
Priority1 Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 If anyone ever needs an old slug to fill out a crew, I may be available if the perks are good. Also if anyone has mechanical problems the Priority1 may be able to change names for a tourney or two. It's a long way for me to the West side, but it sure was worth the trip last year to shake a few hands, and put some faces with the famous handles. I do most of my fishing Mon-Fri.
caznik Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 Sea-Mac said: Put us down to Rich.Thanks Mike, I will sign you up.Rich
caznik Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 Priority1 said: If anyone ever needs an old slug to fill out a crew, I may be available if the perks are good. Also if anyone has mechanical problems the Priority1 may be able to change names for a tourney or two. It's a long way for me to the West side, but it sure was worth the trip last year to shake a few hands, and put some faces with the famous handles. I do most of my fishing Mon-Fri. Anytime you like to sign up and get into one or two tourneys just let me know and I will get you in... Thanks Frank, Rich
tltorrice Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 My crew and I enjoyed last years Stinger Challange on Aug 11th we would like to participate in the West Michigan Fishing League. (as many as possible) I am in.Thanks Rich
joelsanders Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 I may not to be able to be in on all your of your series , i would like to compete ..and hey i'm a newby to this and would really enjoy every time i can fish with you peoples. Can you count me in for as much much fishing as my job and wife can stand?... P.S. my team will always involve my daughters and family. sincerilly a contributer LOL!
caznik Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 tltorrice said: My crew and I enjoyed last years Stinger Challange on Aug 11th we would like to participate in the West Michigan Fishing League. (as many as possible) I am in.Thanks RichThanks for signing up and now I have you on the list.Thanks again,Rich
caznik Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 joelsanders said: I may not to be able to be in on all your of your series , i would like to compete ..and hey i'm a newby to this and would really enjoy every time i can fish with you peoples. Can you count me in for as much much fishing as my job and wife can stand?... P.S. my team will always involve my daughters and family. sincerilly a contributer LOL! You are allways welcome to come and join us whenever you can. Having your family as a crew with ya must be really fun. There is somedays that my kids go with me and I have a great time fishing with them to.Good luck and I do have you on the list.Thanks,Rich
the8point Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Add me in again this year had a great time last year.
caznik Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 the8point said: Add me in again this year had a great time last year. Thanks, I will add you to the list ...... Rich
TheKingfisher Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 I think Team Kingfisher will make the tournament this year. We've just got to finalize some dates.
caznik Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 TheKingfisher said: I think Team Kingfisher will make the tournament this year. We've just got to finalize some dates.Thanks, Your all signed up and ready to go.Check this tournament out to and sign up if you like to:
TheKingfisher Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 I've got some additional questions, haveing not participated before. I don't see them answered in the original post. I'm gathering that this is a 'accumulated' points tournament, but is there also pay outs for the individual tournaments as well? Also, it looks like the 'Big Fish Game' is an additional peice of the tournament, but it says in thoes rules that the captian must be present at the last tournament for that contest, which is Sept. 7th. We're likley not going to be at the last tournament, the weekend after Labor Day we always head of north to Onekema for a weekend of fishing. But if we do miss that final tournament does taht mess us up for eligability for the 'main' West Michigan Tournament? Just curious how it's all setup. Sounds like something fun to do. And I'd likley be out fishing thoes days anyway!!
DIRTY DOG Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 rich can answer this clearer than me but here it gos the points are the wieght of your catch plus 10 points for each fish that you've weighted the points for all five tournys get added for a total to determine the champ and the end of the seasonthe big fish game is for hoom ever gets the biggest fish for the season and has donated a spin dr and yes this is an additoinal partalso yes there is a pay out for the first 3 places and big fish for all 5 tournysand i dont think that it may mess your chances for the points lead at the end if your not at the last one except that you will not have any point becouse you did not fish that dayhope this helps terry
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