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I am sure everyone has a number of colors that worked great for them this year. Narrow your hottest colors down to 3 and post the names of the colors.

My best three colors

Killer Tangerine

Craigs X-Mas



Well my best three are:

-Silver fox 5" half hammered cracked blue ice

-northport glow tiger roughy 300 series

-silver streak chilly willys

worked for bows and walleyes on Lake Erie all summer!!!


if were talking strictly spoons:

NBK in the stingray size rocked for me all season

gold blade kevorkian/rodney (purple thunder w/glow ladder)


if we can throw spinnies into the mix:

mountain dew SD/green crinkle howie fly

nbk stingray

chrome green SD/mirage atommik fly


  DIRTY DOG said:

stingray gold org killer

How did I forget this one??? This one took a LOT of fish for me also.


If only spoons, then:

Moonshine cyclonite

Fishlander Chipmunk

Stinger Cory's bait(stingray size)

If we expand to flasher/flies:

White glow pro-chip flasher/white with green glow fly combo

Moonshine Cyclonite

Blue and white pro-chip flasher/white and blue 3-fly meat harness


1.Fuzzy Bear Ludington Glo Special mag. (something about this spoon i noticed is some you buy have green fish scale pattern tape and some have a light blue fish scale tape, the one with the blue fish scale tape is my favorite)

2.Silver Streak Green Dolphin mag.

3.Moonshines- Yellow Flounder, Flounder Pounder, Widowmaker, Brooke Trout, Double Trouble, Hi-NRG.


1: Savant Jake 45 Froggy behind an ATOMMIK twinkie rig

2: Mich Stinger Mag NBK on the chute rigger 55 back, deepest rigger

3: Savant Mickey Finn Mupp rigg or the Savant Green Alewive mupp rig

Come on spring.



Salmon: NO doubt, hands down, Mag Silver Streak Ole Yeller on the deep


Silver Streak reg. Blue Dolphin and DW Monkey Puke were decent

Walleye: Late summer: Watermelon Holo NK 28...its a moneymaker!

In general: Andy's walleye slapper in a DW Super Slim

Mixed Veggie in a DW Super Slim

Bloody Death II DW Super Slim

Late Summer: DW Super Slim Blue Icicle... hot, hot, hot.

Steelies: VQ Blue Dolphin DW Super Slim

Silver Streak Blue Whale (overcast days)

Watermelon Holo NK 28

Bloody Death II DW Super Slim

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