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Caznik's King Classic 2007


Here is the results with 19 boats

Big Fish Winning team


Team Caznik: 14lbs. 8oz. King= Also took 8th place- 76.6 points with 4 fish.



1st Place- Team Plumkrazy= 112 points with 5 fish.



2nd Place- Team Paulywood= 104 points with 5 fish.



3rd Place- Team Hollandpiper= 97.2 points with 5 fish.



4th Place- Team Tad Pole= 91.2 points with 5 fish


5th Place- Team Sixshooter= 82.4 points with 4 fish


6th Place- Team Waterfowlhunter= 81.2 points with 4 fish


7th Place- Team Minnow= 81 points with 5 fish


9th Place- Team Dirty Dog= 69.8 points with 4 fish


10th Place- Team Severus= 56.8 points with 3 fish


11th Place- Team Jeepfan= 55.4 points with 3 fish


12th Place- Team Marbble Eyes= 42.8 points with 2 fish


13th Place- Team Satisfaction Guaranteed= 29 points with 2 fish


14th Place- Team Dv8or/GLF= 23.8 points with 1 fish


15th Place- Team TD= 21 points with 1 fish


16th Place- Team Hunt4ever= 20.2 points with 1 fish

The Skunks

Team Sea-Mac

Team Oakley

Team Fishin Magician

Just like to say this was our best fishing tournament that we ever had in the month of June. June has allways been the slowest and worst time to go out fishing in this tournament. But this year was very good fishing at Port Sheldon and the total weight of fish that got weighed was 504lbs. and 4ozs. Really like to say thanks everyone for entering this fun tournaments and I hope that you all had a great time fishing together. The next tournament will be on Saturday July 14th. There will be alot of great prizes, so make sure you come and join this fun tournament on July.

Thanks again,


Points Standings

Sixshooter 167.4

Plumkrazy 144.2

Paulywood 127.4

Caznik 116.8

Dirty Dog 109

Adjusted3 98.4

Hollandpiper 97.2

Water83/smoke73 93.4

Tad pole Skunk 91.2

Dv8or/GLF 84.2

Minnow 81

Severus 68.2

Satisfation_Garanteed 59.6

Fishin Magician 56.8

Jeepfan Skunk 55.4

Marble eyes 42.8

Hunt4ever 42.2

Trout Tracker 26.2

Oakley 23.2

TD 21

Sea-Mac 11.4

Sarah C 0

Catfishhoge 0

Kozlov1 0

Freetime 0

Mr. Ed 0


The prizes that we gave away in this event was the siggs riggs fly and custom flasher combo, Sqechie flies, and Magna Dyne lure's.

Thanks you very much sponsor's for the nice donation this year.

West Mich. Fishing League


Great Tourney guys. Glad to be able to make one after a few years absence. I couldn't believe how fast the weigh-in went.

Also wanted to thank Hollandpiper for the ride. Had a great June day with some excellent company on the water.


Great day on the water and thanks to Tom & Bud for competing with Team Hollandpiper. It was an awesome feeling moving out of the bottom of the standings.

My undying gratitude goes out to the Executive Board of the West Michigan Fishing Leaque:

Caznik (Rich) - CEO/President

Trout Tracker (Larry) - CFO/Executive VP

Hunt4ever (Brian) - 1st VP of Donations

Oakley (Brian) - VP of Communications and Donations

Sarah C (Rob) - 2nd VP of Donations

GLF (Mike H.) - VP of Advertisement/Marketing

Larry (Heavy Action) - 3rd VP of Donations



Congrats to the top 4 finishers.

You guys whoopped up on us for sure.

It was great to see so many fish in June. This is unprecidented.

Hopefully July just gets MUCH Better.

Hopefully we will see everybody at the next tourney.


  Sixshooter said:
Congrats to the top 4 finishers.

You guys whoopped up on us for sure.

It was great to see so many fish in June. This is unprecidented.

Hopefully July just gets MUCH Better.

Hopefully we will see everybody at the next tourney.


Well look who is in first place for the points standings..:D

  DIRTY DOG said:
ya and look who"s 60 point behind OOPS

Its not over yet Terry

You and I are still very close to win the champion ship.


hey i think we need to put a all points bulleton out for catfishhoge there was a west mi. fishing league event and he was not there


Well you guys may catch me really easy in the next tourney.

Depends on when the baby comes home from the hospital. I may not be able to fish.

besides i never finish strong anywho....I can lead all the way till September and then lose.


Technically she isn't due until August 13th.

However, 4 hours after I got home from the fishing event her water broke. So as I speak I'm at the hospital. They are stopping labor for now since we are 7 weeks early at this point.

So anytime between Tuesday and Monday we will have a baby. It all depends on how the baby does and when they will allow the baby to come home.


  Sixshooter said:
Technically she isn't due until August 13th.

However, 4 hours after I got home from the fishing event her water broke. So as I speak I'm at the hospital. They are stopping labor for now since we are 7 weeks early at this point.

So anytime between Tuesday and Monday we will have a baby. It all depends on how the baby does and when they will allow the baby to come home.


Congrats Bev and Jim! I hope the baby and Bev are doing well. Have you picked out a name yet?


Im going after you in the next one Phil. All i can say about yesterday is you know your going to have a bad day fishing when you get a backlash on the toilet paper roll in the morning, thats the kinda day i had. I did catch a fish just not during tournament scheduled time. Daddy didnt raise no quitter. Nice fish and nice job on all that placed.


thank you,Caz and crew for putting on a fine event,the Tad Pole crew had a awesome time.the fishing was kinda strange,no apparent pattern to anything,we had 2 hits on meat rig one behind a dipsy at 150 back one on a rigger set 55 down(last fish of the day boated it at 10:55)1 fish on a Kevorkian spoon at 65 down on the rigger.one fish on a green fish catcher with green fly behind a dipsey, 2 small fish on Michael Jackson on a full core.one fish on a two tone yellow glow spoon 55 down on a rigger. we caught all fish in 120-150 fow.I think the fishing that day just fit our style of fishing we never have any pattern to what we do! all said and done we went 6 for 9.not bad for June i suppose.

again thanks for having us along on a great day on the lake(like there is any other kind)we look forward to the next event.

oh and also thanks to six shooter for sandbaggin a little to make this thing a little more interesting.


Thanks guys!!

SO far so good. Bev is doing well. Just got home...Time for some sleep.

After about 9:00pm tomorrow they will no longer stop labor. So if she goes into labor after 9 tomorrow they will go in and get that baby.

Anytime now.....Anytime....

Keep praying....



Congrats to everyone and thanks to Caz and everyone else who helps run these tourneys. It's always a good time and sunday was no exception. Also thanks to Custom Fishing Products and Siggs Rigs, the combo I got put our big fish in the boat. I accidently left my Squinchee fly in the truck so I didn't get to run it but I will next time for sure.

On a side note congrats Jimmy, hope everyone comes out ok. My friends daughter was born 2 months early last year (weighed in at 4 lbs.) and she will be celebrating her 1st birthday this week and was causing all kinds of trouble when I stopped over there saturday to drop off some fish. So I'm sure that your wife and kid will be fine. I look forward to getting outfished in the years to come by Sixshooter Jr.


Yet another fun time!!!!!!

Anyone else notice the "Little Kid on Christmas Morning" look that big Rich had when he pocketed the "Big Fish" prize.

See ya's in a couple weeks!!!!


Wow! Coming home from a morning of fishing, then cleaning up the boat and getting stuff put away, about the time you think about a nap and the water breaks! I bet you both were extremely tired after all of that excitment!

Big Congrats keep us posted in your spare time!


I fished with Nick on sunday and just wanted to thank everyone for another good time. The chatter on the radio made the trip worthwhile on it's own! I hope to see everyone at the Dreamweaver.

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