salmonquest Posted June 21, 2007 Posted June 21, 2007 Being this is my first post about fishing I have a lot of questions. I just started getting into salmon last fall. I've met with moderate success. I usually fish the Straits area out of St. Ignace. I usually manage about one fish per trip. I don't get skunked very often but it's not actually hot and heavy. I was hoping some of you trolls ( I just realized a nice pun there) could give a few pointers for greater success. My typical spread are two dipsy's and two downrigger lines. I just upgraded to big jon captain's pak's so I hope to run four downrigger lines. Off of my dipsys I run a small snubber, 3ft. leader, spin doctor, and then a 6' leader to a spoon or attatch a fly with it's own leader to the flasher. Off of the down riggers I run 11" pro troll flashers with a six foot leader to a spoon. I usually set up 20- 30' back or so. I use 17lb flourcarbon for leaders. Around the straights and mackinac island the water is pretty clear and Sunday was a great day. 80 and sunny so I ran chartruese flashers and blue and green bubble spoons on the down rigger and metallic green dipsys with natural born killer spoons off the spin doctor. (left my fly's at home IDIOT!!) I think now I probably should have went with a pearl or holographic dipsy since it was bright out. We marked quite a few big fish but only had one hit wich we landed a 10 lb king. I use my garmin GPS for speed. It read between 1.8 and 2.3 mph all day. Near the end without a hit I bumped it up to 2.5 and that's when we got the king. I've read that kings prefer a slow presentation so I'm wondering if I should be in the high 2's and low 3's on the GPS. I was running my riggers at 50 and 60 and had 90 ft and 100' out on magnum dipsy's wich should have put them around 40 and 45. we got the king on the 60 foot rigger. The water depth was between 90 and 150. Maybe there just aren't as many fish in the straits but we marked a few and I'd like to start hooking a few more. I know this is a lot of info but any comments are welcome.
salmonquest Posted June 21, 2007 Author Posted June 21, 2007 By the way it was my wife's first trip and she caught the salmon here is a pic:
caznik Posted June 21, 2007 Posted June 21, 2007 Downrigger's and dipseies work fine. But now days with the water so clear. You better start thinking about getting and running some core rod set ups. Full core, half core, and even two color cores you should allways have in your boat and running. I told myself that I'd never buy any cores because its sometimes a pain to run with all the boats. If you like to give me a pm and I can talk to you more about this great stuff. I will give you my cell number and I can tell you more about it.don't be afraid to ask for my help,Cazzzzzzz
Paulywood Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Do you always run flashers in front of your spoons? I almost always run my spoons clean. If you run your spoons clean on the riggers then you can run longer leads. I don't know a whole lot myself but I went to a seminar by Dan Keating this summer. He also has a book called Keating on Kings. It has a ton of info and might give you some good ideas. Also, Rich's leadcore idea is one to think about, some days core is all that catches fish. The good news is that the best fishing for the summer is yet to come. Good luck and welcome.
Alligator Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Fish your marks on your fish finder, In the straights you may have some crazy currents down under. Learn to watch (cable angle) and listen to your rigger cables they can give you a good idea without a speed at the ball device.
GLF Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Welcome to the site salmonquest!I am normally running between 2.7 and 3.0 on my gps for kings. Going with the current or against the current can have an affect on your speed also. This is where a speed and temp probe come in handy. Knowing the speed at the ball is more important than the speed over ground. Someone with a lot of expierence can tell how fast they are going by the bend in their diver rods.On my wire divers, I am running a snubber and a 6-8' leader to a spinner. I have flies tied to the spinners ranging from 18" - 24".Lead Core.....No boat should be without it! I run 3 lead core rods off each side of my boat. Some people will run at least 5 off each side. I have a mixed bag of lead core set ups. 2 colors, 3 colors, 5 colors, and full cores(10colors). I have all 4 sizes of dive bombs for achieving different depths with the set ups I have.The Dan Keating book Paulywood mentioned is a GREAT book!Mike
salmonquest Posted June 22, 2007 Author Posted June 22, 2007 Thanks for the feedback. I was afraid the leadcore issue would come up. It's something I've been considering but after paying for the riggers I've used up my savings for this year. I will definately plan on trying to get a set up this fall or for next year. I do want to ask about running the spoons clean. I have two questions. Where do you run your flashers? and Would you still put on a leader for lower vis? 10 lb flouro or something I'm running 20 lb. big game on the rigger rods. I've read about running flashers off the ball but I'm concerned with the wrapping on the main line. Anyone know how far up they'd run the line from the ball?
Paulywood Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 I'm not sure if I understand your question. When I run spoons I don't run a leader, just my mainline (which varies from 12, 17 or 20 lb.). I also don't run a flasher, just a spoon. A normal set-up for me would be run the spoon out 35 ft, attach it to the release, drop ball down 65 ft. I use the 100 ft. theory, though not religously. (100 ft. Theory, depth of rigger plus lead off ball equals 100 ft. 50 back, 50 down, etc.) If I'm running a flasher I either place it tight to the ball, like 10-15 back, or way the heck back behind everything. The farther you let them back the bigger they spin in a circle. If this doesn't make any sense maybe I don't understand your question.Nick
Tad Pole Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 the only thing i see that you may be doing wrong on a consistent basis is that your running too long of a leader from your (flasher,fish catcher,dodger or any spinny thing)to your bait. dipsy---4-5' leader----fish catcher-----18-24" leader----bait my typical set up
silver one Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Check out Bretts place on ebay. He is a complete tackle store with awsome prices and will set up any type of rod real combo you want. He did my core set ups and my wire dipsey set ups for me and for what he charged to do it I could not go and buy the stuff myself and set them up for what he charges. I even have my own power spooler and still could not beat the price. He sells Just about every brand and runs great specials on Okuma. He will also give you his Home phone so you can speak directly to him and tell him exactly what you want without typing it out.
salmonquest Posted June 22, 2007 Author Posted June 22, 2007 You guys have given me a lot to think about I'll have to try a few of these suggestions. The straits aren't over crowded with boat traffic so I think I can swing the leadcore. It sounds like a great option. I appreciate the feedback. I have a ton more questions but I'll wait to post those later.
Satisfaxion_Gauranteed Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Tad Pole said: the only thing i see that you may be doing wrong on a consistent basis is that your running too long of a leader from your (flasher,fish catcher,dodger or any spinny thing)to your bait. dipsy---4-5' leader----fish catcher-----18-24" leader----bait my typical set up This was my first thought exactly! I never used to have good luck with fish catcher and flies because all of my leaders were way too long. My normal setup; dipsey 3-4' leader(including snubber length), fish catcher, 18-24" leader, then small spoon or fly or 3 fly herring hauler, etc. On the riggers, I'll run the same thing with the exception for using another foot or two longer leader between the ball and fish catcher. Lures with no flashers/spinnies, I'll run long leads behind the ball, particularly early in the season. On the dipseys, I use 30# super braid and absolutely love it! I'll wind a few hundred feed of 30# test on the reel first, then another 300' of Spider Wire stealth. Wire also works very well. I'll add to the previous sediments on leadcore. However, after 3 years of using and looking back on my records, I've noticed it's much hotter in spring and early summer. Come July, I don't catch nearly as much fish on it as I do the riggers and dipseys. I think the fish are less ball shy and more aggressive in July and August. If the fish are active and hot, I won't even take the time to set the core rods and just run 2-4 of the hot lines(rigger/dipsey combos) and let the scramble begin. Troll direction, troll direction, and troll direction! This year I've been very actively changing troll directions prior to changing lures and it has been successful. I think that in many cases the direction of your troll is more important than the lures themselves. And the last thing I'll add, unless your wife is extremely understanding or completely hooked on big lake fishing, don't tell her how much you're spending on the above mentioned goodies! My wife and I have a 'don't ask, don't tell approach' to my fishing gear and her clothing:D Good fishing,
salmonquest Posted June 22, 2007 Author Posted June 22, 2007 I know a lot of people have luck with flies but I haven't so I've been a little gun shy. When I do use them I tie the supplied leader right to the spin doctor. I take it by the posts you guys use the Bechold and Son fish catchers a lot. I have a couple I'll give them a try. Good idea about the finances. I'll have to find a good spot to stash the goodies.
big_fishman Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 I tell you Dan Keatings books are a great short cut in the learning curve for the lake. You can get a deal at I started 20 some years ago and learned the hard way, there is good info in these books.
GLF Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 We are having 3 photo contests. One for June, July and August. There is a post in the contests section, with the rules.This is a BEST Photo, not biggest fish contest!Put the Bechold away and order a Custom Fishing Products flasher and a Siggs Rigs fly. If you need help picking colors, just ask, and you will get lots of feed back.
Nailer Posted July 1, 2007 Posted July 1, 2007 We had great luck last year at Deture last year on Flasher/Fly They seam to work the best off the dippsey. Like before noted Dippsey, snubber, 4' leader , Spinner 18-24" to fly. one thing I haven't seen noted is the importances of trolling with your lines going straight back behind your boat (when going in a straight line). Don"t let the current or wind push you side ways.A good all around color for your flashers (spinners) is white with green or green, both with a green fly.
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