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Thank you jolly time for yesterday’s report. We worked your intel into our spread. Set lines in 90 fow and trolled out to 150 fow and then back in to 90 fow being chased by rain on the radar. 
Starboard high diver back 200’ went 2 times. Port high diver back 140’ went 2 times. Port low diver back 130’ went once. Starboard down rigger at 90’ went once and that fish escaped. Port down rigger at 100’ went 2 times. Once on the slider and once on main line. Pulled lines at 9:00 so we wouldn’t get wet. 

Boated 4 steelhead and 3 kings. 1 king was a dark 4 yr old female. 

all spoons this morning. Mongolian beef, A-bomb, dancing anchovy, glow frog and green jeans. All spoons were SS and standard size. 
Boats at the launch had success with mag spoons too. Fish were hungry and swallowed the hooks this morning. 





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Glad you had success! I so wanted to go out this morning. I love fishing in overcast crummy weather. 

There are definitely fish out there to be caught. Once you figure out troll angle with the weird currents, you are definitely in business. Based on the fact you were catching fish on both sides of the boat, you mastered the troll angle. Well done!

Thanks for the call out. I love helping with info. Without help it can be tough out there.

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Coho spend a year and half in the hatchery and another year and a half in the big lakes.  Some run after one season in the lake (jacks) and rarely do you see one that stays out longer although Team Hammbone weighed in a 29# coho in Frankfort some years ago.



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Very interesting. You have done your research. Thank you for that info. So what river will an adult coho run that is spending time in the holland/port Sheldon area ? I was under the impression that most coho migrate to the Platte River. 

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