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Saugatuck pier heads 9/10 AM

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Water was still freezing cold & lake had flattened so PUG felt inclined to give it a try again.  Set lines at around 6.45AM.  Beautiful morning out there but unfortunately we couldn’t dial them in the same way we had on Sunday morning.

Ended up 2 for 5 on Kings

Also, landed around 8 sheephead with two of them being super large, one measuring 29 inches and the other 32.75 inches

Basically all of our king bites were on chrome read head.  Fish were pressed in super close.  For example the big one we got was in 11fow just a football field north of the north pier on a 1color

Deepest bite was in 22fow

We did run the channel but all that did was produce more sheephead 

Sorry LittleBoat that the kids had the music so loud I couldn’t hear you when we tried to communicate.  Did you end up boating some kings?

Passed by a guy trolling Holland channel on way in and he said he had landed 2 salmon so that is good to hear.

Anyways, if some of you guys go tonight please report so we can try to figure out if the majority of em are already up river or what exactly is going on :)







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All I got was a 18# sheephead today. Biggest one I ever caught. What a mess trying to get him out of the boat. I caught him on a 2C.

Ran up north of Holland trying to recover. Marked alot fish in 120fow, but no takers. Went out to 150fow. The temp was 55-57 down at 145 fow. I think you would have to go 180-200 to get some colder water.

I was surprised how warm the water was at the piers, especially compared to the bouy.

Sent from my SM-A156U1 using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

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I was out solo this morning too. Fished 70-80 FOW. Marked a lot of fish , mostly on bottom, and lots of bait. Only had one hit, 9 lb Steelhead on dipsy , 2 setting, 120 ft back, Dancing Anchovy spoon. Tried various spoons, flasher flies, and plugs to no avail. 

A beautiful morning to fish though. 


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