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Took out a coworker who is shore bound but loves to fish.  Could not get the 15 horse it idle down so we chugged out on the 4 and then fired up the 15 and when we got out to 80' switched back over to the 4 hp.  That was loud.  But it could just barely pull a six rod spread at about 2.9mph.  We were not out long when an old watermelon nailer out 150' took a ride and a 15# king ended up in the box.  While landing that the wire diver went with a live wire spinny but soon was lost; came in with the leader wedged in the back of the treble hook.

Switched to the glow program early hate pulling lures that have gone but it was cloudy and getting dark fast.  Got that all switched over and well nothing happened.  Then more nothing.  So I'm like if nothing is happening I'm at least going to point it to port and make up some ground.

Slide diver mag moonshine bloody nose goes.  That's tearing around like crazy wire diver mag green jeans goes.  I grab that fight it in as fast I can nope not a fish just an un-tripped diver.  Throw that on the seats as the SWR flounder pounder down 50 is now screaming.  Land the diver fish throw that on the carpet somehow it cleared the net just by flipping the net over then get the rigger fish half way in when the full core just buries.  Like foot on the transom both thumbs on the spool and cannot stop it.  Well we will just do circles around it.  At one point I could feel the bump from the knot on the spool.  Land rigger fish throw that on the floor on top of the other fish, tell my guest to clear the 7 color.  It gets hit as he's burning it in, nice little eater king.  So now with just one rigger still down, we point the boat at the core fish.  Get the board off, get in about 9 colors and just can't move it.

Finally say screw it and shut off the motor and switch the gas hose over to the 15 and get that fired up.  While doing this (the weirdest neutral drop ever) a 21# king comes in backwards he had rolled up and lassoed himself.  Net that and pull in the rigger and run back in.  Well the bow would not come up at this point so we kinda just chugged back in punching through the few waves there were.

Fun night.

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great job especially considering all of the variables at play! thanks for the report.

any idea of they are still going to have the Waypoint tourney this weekend in tall seas?

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