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Holland/Saugatuck PM 7/27 - three man limit - 15for27

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LEGENDARY NIGHT BITE! took 90 min to clean all the fish - probably close to 200 pounds of salmon - definitely one of the better trips we've had on Parker!  Best this year at least.

set lines at around 8pm

got a couple bites before sunset but most of it after... used the same trick PUG (who is tired by the way) had showed us on the last 3 trips but this time had oldest son along too in hopes of really whaling on em and that we did! at one point at around 10pm had 6 on at once. Lots of big fish tonight too. Five of em were easily 20# plus.

what worked:

riggers 50-60 down glow spoons

dipseys set deep about 100 back meat rig (went 7 times)

full core glow spoon

half core glow jplug

copp300/copp350 glow spoons

south troll in 140fow was the ticket til it got real dark and then angled east and cleaned up all the way into 100fow

last bite was 10.50pm on rigger and it got off but that was fine because we already had limit and were going to release it anyway - we were way south off Oval Beach at this point 







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