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Snuck out to fish the calm before the storm last night, fished 8pm-9:30pm. Went 3 for 5, all kings but smaller, ranging 3-7lbs. South winds warmed up the water a lot. All hits were in 125-135FOW, 60-80ft down. 

  • 8:30pm: hit & miss - Low Diver (120ft back): Chrome Green Dot SD w/ Two-Face Meat Rig
  • 8:45pm: King (7lbs) - High Diver (220ft back): UV/UV Slick SD w/ Green Mirage Fly
  • 8:50pm: hit & miss - Low Diver (120ft back): Chrome Green Dot SD w/ Two-Face Meat Rig
  • 9:15pm: King (2-4lbs) - Low Diver (120ft back): Chrome Green Dot SD w/ Two-Face Meat Rig
  • 9:20pm: King (2-4lbs) - High Diver (220ft back): UV/UV Slick SD w/ Green Mirage Fly

Low Divers are DW 124mm deeper divers on setting 1

High Divers are Luhr Jenson size 1's on setting 3

Both are wire line.

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