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Cleared pier heads around 5:30, lines set about 5:45 just south towards Holland. Read a report about a bite in shallow early, and it was spot on. I slowed at 50 fow and started marking fish and bait, while everyone else was out 90+. 5 bites in the first 1:30 of sunrise, landing 3. Have never seen so many boats trolling in one spot and surprised this is the first report being posted from 7/13. Took a buddy out fishing who’s never fished the big lake/salmon before, and had a blast.


In addition to decent fishing - sent my fish hawk probe down with a loose cap, and snapped a rod tree on the garage door coming home. If anyone knows good welders in the Hudsonville area please let me know. 🤬🤬🤬

1/1 - Small King rigger down 30 Green Jeans 

1/2 - 55 fow - Big rip at 107mm diver setting 2 out 80 - 8” Kevin’s Girlfriend spin doctor and picked sunshine fly. Gone before we could grab the rod

2/3 - 55 fow - 8 lb king rigger down 30 Green Jeans

2/4 - 60 fow - lost a 20+ at the boat fiddling with a long leader - 107mm diver setting 2 out 75, white double pearl 8” spin doctor purple mirage fly

3/5 - 60 fow - 12lb king 107mm diver setting 2 out 80 - 8” Kevin’s Girlfriend spin doctor and picked sunshine fly

4/6 - 125 fow - 17lb king - slid out once the sun came up and went quiet for about 2-3 hours, never a bump nor a mark between 60-115. 300cu Hulk RV 




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