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Fished 6pm-9:30pm. 1/3, 9lb Laker early & lost a decent king at sunset. Lake was very calm, very light South/Southeast wind made for easy trolling any direction. Spent the first couple hours out deeper out of curiosity, 160-190FOW, picked up 9lb Laker in 160FOW halfway to Saugatuck on Low Diver with meat rig. Didn't mark much out there. Around 8/8:30pm moved back in and started seeing some great marks along with some bait in 120-130FOW so fished that zone heading back North through sunset. Bite turned on at sunset, 9-9:30pm. Fought & lost a nice king on 275 copper dancing anchovy spoon around 9:20pm. Another hit & miss on same meat rig on low diver back 200ft shortly after. 

Fished Grand Haven tournament over the weekend and the fishing was brutal.... fish were hard to come by and many were small 1-3lb kings. Amatuer winner caught 20 fish totaling 48.7lbs... (2.4lb average). However, based on the marks & hits I saw last night and the two previous Holland reports from 6/3 on here I'm encouraged there are some decent kings around yet by us here in Holland.

  • 9lb Laker 175FOW, Low Diver back 200ft, 6:30pm. Innovator 10in SD w/ A-Bomb meat rig 
  • Avg. King (Fought, Didn't Land): 130FOW, 9:20pm, 275 Copper w/ Moonshine Dancing Anchovy mag spoon
  • Hit & Miss in 130FOW at 9:30pm, Low Diver back 200ft. Innovator 10in SD w/ A-Bomb meat rig 
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2 hours ago, Aaron Nusbaum said:

It's good to see those marks can be cracked. My dad and I for three straight trips have been seeing those marks in the 120's and 130's but could buy a hit despite throwing the kitchen sink at them

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

I absolutely know that frustration! lol. Sometimes they just don't bite but what I've found best is to just stay in that zone where they're marking and keep circling it until the bite turns on, which is typically right at sunrise or sunset. Some evenings it feels like a 30-60min window where they'll turn on and bite, then just be on them. I've found Moonshine RV glow spoons to work best then. I'll troll over the marks in the daylight with all sorts of different baits and nothing, not until the sun kisses the water and disappears does it suddenly became go-time and they bite.

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