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Fished with my good friend Tom this evening from 5:00pm through dusk so happy to get 6 lines in the water.  Worked 110 to 140 FOW north of the harbor initially without a bump.  Spread:

5-Color LC on board:  Orange red ladder Stinger spoon

200' Weighted Steel on board:  Orange/gold Pro King spoon

Downriggers:  SD and green fly | SWR:  Blue dolphin

1.5 set Dipseys:  SD and purple fly | Purple Stinger

At 8:00pm worked 90-80 FOW.  Spread

5-Color LC on board:  Orange red ladder Stinger spoon - caught a shaker

200' Weighted Steel on board:  Orange/gold Pro King spoon

Downriggers:  SD and dark purple fly | SWR:  Silver Alewife spoon from mid 90's

1.5 set Dipseys:  Mixed Veggies | Purple Stinger - hit with a break off that did not spool any line

In 85 FOW we witnessed one or more kings just off the port side of the boat, estimate 10lb or a bit more, jumping repeatedly on a horizontal and vertical plane, heading south.  We crossed over this action but no bites.  It was at this point we noticed the dipsey with the purple Stinger was compromised.

Last, we donated a Port side red Church Board just south of Holland harbor.  There is no owner information on the board.

We marked bait balls mostly at the bottom in the shallow water.  Fish - perhaps 3 marks all night.  The water was empty of fish other than the jumpers at the end of the night.

Flies were not what they were on Friday.

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