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Holland Evening 5/31 - 1 for 1 plus a shaker

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Set down solo in 90 FOW at 5:00pm.  Ran 200' weighted steel on a board off the port and 10 color LC on a board off the starboard and SWR off the lone downrigger.  Ran out to 225 FOW without a bump rotating through an all spoon spread of mixed veggies, copper plated watermelon, UV green dolphin, UV spotted frog and orange crush.  Marked one fish.  Ripped lines and came back in to 110 FOW.  Ran two dipseys and 10 color LC down the shoot.  Marked one big bait ball in 101 FOW.  At dusk, in 83 FOW, finally got bit.  8lb king hit a purple stinger down 27' on the outside dipsey trolling northwest.  I let the king go in this cold water as I am keeping only coho and steelhead until I finish up the kings in the freezer (almost there).  Picked up a shaker as I was ripping lines to go in.  Lots of O'fers on the radio.  A full assortment of bugs out in force tonight.  The flies were even biting my fingers after I put on pants and long sleeves.  I am just a magnet for the biters.

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I was one of the O’fers. Marked some bait pods and a few fish in the 125-130 fow but couldn’t get anything to go. Fished from 70-160 Fow. Tried 10 color, 225 copper, rigger and dipsy at different times, various depths and speeds with spoons and flasher flies to no avail. I pulled lines early at 7:30. Definitely not an early bite for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman

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I went out of Pt Sheldon late yesterday afternoon and went 0 for 1 and marked a total of 4 fish over 4 hours going from 210' back into 130' running a 2 man spread.  Out of 4 other boats I talked to at the docks when we got in...there was 1 fish caught and it had been dragging for awhile and a 1 meal fish. 

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