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Last Wednesday night we opened up our 3 net pens and released 131,000 salmon fingerlings. For 2 weeks we fed them 4 times a day and they grew 8% in length - from 9.7mm to  10.5 mm and in weight 24% - from 130 fish/kg to 105/kg. 

Two weeks ago DNR told use we were getting another 50,000 kings.

Today in addition to these kings they brought over another 1,000 steelies. They pumped them into the river at our city launch. No nets pens. 

So, total steelie plantings 21,000 (they planted 20k late March).

Total kings 181,000.

I want to thank DNR Wolf Lake Hatchery, SW Steelheaders and all our South Haven Steelheaders that helped.


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