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Just like to hi. Great Site lots of neat stuff here. I fish the northshore

of lake Superior mostly out of Two Harbors and make 3-4 trips a year to

Isle Royal for great fall fishing. My boat is 89 Bayliner 2550 with a fly bridge

rigged with 4 scotty down riggers . Also run dipseys & boardlines.

I own and run a automotive & marine repair shop in TH . Ihave 2 boys that are 19 & 27 that work with me at the shop. We fish together every chance

we get. Have 2 grandchildren & a very understanding wife.


Hello Special X,

Just like to say hi and hope that you will enjoy this site. So I here that the lake that you fish on has some pretty big lake trout in it. Well what is your biggest in your lake that you happen to catch and how is the salmon fishing up there to. I use to watch a tv show that showed how they caught lake trout up there by jigging for them.



special x,

Welcome to GLF. This is probably on of the finest and friendliest sites you are gonna find.


Welcome aboard! I am curious about the lake trout thing also. Is that the primary fish you target in Lake Superior?


Welcome Special X. Living where you do makes you a Superior Fisherman.:) I fish Lake Huron and it's Saginaw Bay. I also make as many trips as I can to Lake Michigan in the late Summer. I know you will like it here.



I third the Laker question!!!!

Great gang here as you probably already know/have read!

See ya around!!


Thanks for the warm welcome .Now to answer your questions about laker.

We target salmon in early morn but some days with not very much luck

so then we fish lakers but still run a surface spread for salmon. Depth for lakers

is any were from top to 275 ft with most luck at 35-150 ft. Lakers of 7- 15 lbs

are plentifull most days. Lots of boats jigg in early morn for lakes in about

225 ft water. Fall at Isle Royal produces large lakers in the 15-40 lbs range.

Will post pics when I get that part figured out.:grin:


  special x said:

Will post pics when I get that part figured out.:grin:

Info on how to upload a picture and post it in a thread is located in this thread.

When targeting lakers....are you mainly trolling or jigging? What are your better baits for catching them?


WE only troll using spoons on the down riggers sometimes when we go deep we use spoons & meat . Dipseys will vary from spoons to sticks. Sticks we use are boomers & rapps mostly. Med size spoons seem to work best for me last couple of years. Board lines we run a michiagan walley set up with spoons & sticks . Flat line with lead core and some long mon lines with sticks

long lines from 200- 600 ft behind the boat. Color ? Most days u never know

we just start with a variaty and work from there. Bud light in spring & Reds in fall:D


Whats your favorite way to cook lake trout? Make sure you post a fishing report when you get out.



Lime pepper season salt a dash of butter wrap in tinfoil & grill .

Will post reports first chance we get still ice on lake by duluth.

We practice catch & release IN THE GREASE.;)

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