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These governors are restricting the charter boats from ta king fisherman out on their boats for now buthat I think they should reconsider that options I have fishing lake ontario for 40years and mated on many charter boats off and on  for years a day I know that after every trip they scrubbed their boats down with cleaners those boats are probabilyou cleaner than most people's kitchens so I think they should be allowed to continue to take people fishing most people are not working and some are retired or disability like myself these guys could be a pain in the assignment at times pushing small boats around like mine but in all fairness to them they should be allowed to continue with some safety measures have all people on board wear masks and rubber gloves jus to like if they went into a Minimates no dinference espequally the governor of new York apparently governor common has never been on a charter boats and see how clean that these captains keeplease their boats and another stupid law new York has is only people living under the same roof are the only ones allowed on a private boat that's Bulls hit if you want to take a friend or family member fishing the last 100 ears the only ones I have been taking out fishing is my lawyer-doctor-PHARMAIST AND NEWPHER if they are virus free they should be allowed on the boats I hope the governor or someone who knows him to let read this and one more thing open up the sports hops and campgrounds a lot of guys that fish the great Lakes that live in other states so they need a place to stay and what's safer than their own camper than a strange room well that's all for now so let's see what these governors will do I hope it's the right thing and let us fish-we can catch the virus anywhere so if we really going to catch it let us be happy doing it and what's happier than a fisher person with a big king at end of your line. GOOD FISHING TO EVERYONE AND HOPE TO SEE YOU ON THE LAKE SOON BE SAFE AND STAY HEARTHLY   GOD BLESS

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On 4/19/2020 at 7:19 AM, Lonewolf said:

These governors are restricting the charter boats from ta king fisherman out on their boats for now buthat I think they should reconsider that options I have fishing lake ontario for 40years and mated on many charter boats off and on  for years a day I know that after every trip they scrubbed their boats down with cleaners those boats are probabilyou cleaner than most people's kitchens so I think they should be allowed to continue to take people fishing most people are not working and some are retired or disability like myself these guys could be a pain in the assignment at times pushing small boats around like mine but in all fairness to them they should be allowed to continue with some safety measures have all people on board wear masks and rubber gloves jus to like if they went into a Minimates no dinference espequally the governor of new York apparently governor common has never been on a charter boats and see how clean that these captains keeplease their boats and another stupid law new York has is only people living under the same roof are the only ones allowed on a private boat that's Bulls hit if you want to take a friend or family member fishing the last 100 ears the only ones I have been taking out fishing is my lawyer-doctor-PHARMAIST AND NEWPHER if they are virus free they should be allowed on the boats I hope the governor or someone who knows him to let read this and one more thing open up the sports hops and campgrounds a lot of guys that fish the great Lakes that live in other states so they need a place to stay and what's safer than their own camper than a strange room well that's all for now so let's see what these governors will do I hope it's the right thing and let us fish-we can catch the virus anywhere so if we really going to catch it let us be happy doing it and what's happier than a fisher person with a big king at end of your line. GOOD FISHING TO EVERYONE AND HOPE TO SEE YOU ON THE LAKE SOON BE SAFE AND STAY HEARTHLY   GOD BLESS

On 1/30/2014 at 2:36 PM, Goldcoast said:

Eric Walline

Gold coast Charter Service, Inc.

[email protected]


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On 4/19/2020 at 7:19 AM, Lonewolf said:

These governors are restricting the charter boats from ta king fisherman out on their boats for now buthat I think they should reconsider that options I have fishing lake ontario for 40years and mated on many charter boats off and on  for years a day I know that after every trip they scrubbed their boats down with cleaners those boats are probabilyou cleaner than most people's kitchens so I think they should be allowed to continue to take people fishing most people are not working and some are retired or disability like myself these guys could be a pain in the assignment at times pushing small boats around like mine but in all fairness to them they should be allowed to continue with some safety measures have all people on board wear masks and rubber gloves jus to like if they went into a Minimates no dinference espequally the governor of new York apparently governor common has never been on a charter boats and see how clean that these captains keeplease their boats and another stupid law new York has is only people living under the same roof are the only ones allowed on a private boat that's Bulls hit if you want to take a friend or family member fishing the last 100 ears the only ones I have been taking out fishing is my lawyer-doctor-PHARMAIST AND NEWPHER if they are virus free they should be allowed on the boats I hope the governor or someone who knows him to let read this and one more thing open up the sports hops and campgrounds a lot of guys that fish the great Lakes that live in other states so they need a place to stay and what's safer than their own camper than a strange room well that's all for now so let's see what these governors will do I hope it's the right thing and let us fish-we can catch the virus anywhere so if we really going to catch it let us be happy doing it and what's happier than a fisher person with a big king at end of your line. GOOD FISHING TO EVERYONE AND HOPE TO SEE YOU ON THE LAKE SOON BE SAFE AND STAY HEARTHLY   GOD BLESS

On 1/30/2014 at 2:36 PM, Goldcoast said:

Eric Walline

Gold coast Charter Service, Inc.

[email protected]


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Another thing that should be considered is the reason the launches and marinas were shut down was because a few guy catch some fish in Mexico Bay and posted the picures on line and did not practice the 6ft distancing law well it was inncentry put but the governor took it seriously so think hard before any more pictures are posted. Because if anymore pictures appear on line with people standing too close together the governor will shut down the fishing for everyone again. I know I didn't wait all winter to get my boat back in the water to have some bone head screw it for me and everyone else, so save your pictures for later when this virus problem is pass because if not the governor will shut everything down again. All fishermen have one common goal get on the lake and give those kings hell. So let us all get together and enjoy the sport and obey the distancing law and keep everyone save. At the end of this health problem we will all like to see your catches  but know think about your fellow fisherman and enjoy the season. Be safe and keep healthy.

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