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tying 2 colors of lead to copper

I have seen at a couple of stores in the past that they are selling copper rigs with a couple colors of lead core on the end to help with deploying copper. Does anyone know what knot they are using I am thinking of trying this out. I can't seem to find anything on this.



I use double Uni-knot. 

Adding lead on the end before the leader gives spoons more action.

Seams to work pretty good since I added it a while ago!!! I have it on n my 150, 225 n 300.


I use a 35# spro swivel for mine. They're small enough to fit through the levelwind. Uni knot on the leadcore, haywire twist on the copper with heat shrink over the twist.

The hybrid is not only easier to deploy, but has a different characteristic on turns and speed changes. 


I've heard of it and am not sure about it. Not only that I have a heck of a lot of copper that would need replacing and that steel isn't cheap to just replace it all


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