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I have a question regarding a 12" paddle is it supposed to sway back and forth in the water or spin? I can't deteremine a front or back either I believe it is a dream weaver branded paddle. I was trying to run a meat rig behind it if that makes any difference.


Forget the meat put a poofster or oceana fly behind it and keep it 10 off the bottom right now for big fish


Frosted fern UV fly with green or green and yellow beads has been good too. And they rotate, the old school metal dodgers are the ones that sway back and forth


Guys, why am I breaking paddles off this year at my release on a rigger? It has happened 2-3 times. I don't think I'm doing anything different than I usually do. I don't understand.

The rod releases and the paddles gone. I've also popped the release intentionally, only to have the paddle break off.

Using Blacks release.

  Great Gazoo said:
Guys, why am I breaking paddles off this year at my release on a rigger? It has happened 2-3 times. I don't think I'm doing anything different than I usually do. I don't understand.

The rod releases and the paddles gone. I've also popped the release intentionally, only to have the paddle break off.

Using Blacks release.

Is your main line breaking? If so, what pound test are you running?

  Great Gazoo said:
Guys, why am I breaking paddles off this year at my release on a rigger? It has happened 2-3 times. I don't think I'm doing anything different than I usually do. I don't understand.

The rod releases and the paddles gone. I've also popped the release intentionally, only to have the paddle break off.

Using Blacks release.

We run a bead chain with about a 2 to 3 foot leader in front of the paddle. This will stop the line twist which is causing your break offs.

  Boomer said:
I have a question regarding a 12" paddle is it supposed to sway back and forth in the water or spin?


I'm gonna watch next time I send one down. I think they sway at slower speeds and do a big roll if pulled faster.


If you look at this video, you can see this paddle actually reverses direction occasionally. you can also see the fly wandering around behind it.

  Great Gazoo said:
Makes sense. Just to be clear.. Main line to swivel, to bead chain, 2-3 feet leader, to swivel to paddle?

You shouldn't need a leader in front of the paddle. If you want to fasten a bead chain put a snap on it.

Regarding break-offs....

I know some guys like lighter test lines on down riggers. l use 20 pound for spoons and prefer heavier for pulling attractors. I don't like loosing big fish and expensive tackle. 20 pound test should be okay if there are no other issues.

Check for nicks regularly. Cut off bad line and re-tie if necessary.

Inspect your guides for cracks. Use a Q-tip to find small cracks difficult to see with the naked eye. If you think it's due to line twist. Try a better quality snap swivel. Check the barrel swivel on the front of the paddle.

  • 2 weeks later...

Some of the flasher brands do not have the angled rotating fin - they still rotate if trolled fast enough - and possibly if the meat rig is not too heavy?

Question - do most guys use a loop knot & tie your fly directly to the split ring on the flasher? or use a snap or ball bearing swivel? thinking w/o the swivel on the fly end would give better action? not sure -

  • 1 month later...
We run a bead chain with about a 2 to 3 foot leader in front of the paddle. This will stop the line twist which is causing your break offs.

Having trouble finding bead chain with ends, can you help?



  • 2 months later...

I realize this is an older post, but hey its cold outside.  If you let your riggers down too fast, the paddle can loop around the down rigger wire. 


  • 2 months later...

My question is this, Snap swivels on paddles are huge. What size snap swivles should I be using for connecting to leader or anything to main line, or to spoons? 


I tie the large swivels directly to my leaders for dipsies, I have heavy leaders on dipsies dedicated for running flashers.  I use Torpedo 30 lb swivels on rigger rods and long lines, so if I'm using paddles or spin doctors on those lines, I'll clip the 30 lb swivel to the big swivel that comes with those attractors.  Hopefully that makes sense.

The swivels that come with most paddles and spin doctors are huge so they can freely rotate in the flasher without getting bent.  Some brands of flashers come with a smaller swivel attached to them, you can hook the smaller snap swivels directly to those.

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