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You never know when you might need to repair something while fishing. No sense in ending the trip and heading back to the dock.

What tools do you carry(have) on your boat?


I have a inexpensive socket set, a 6 way screwdriver, 6,8,& 10 inch Cresent wrenches, Duct tape, electrical tape, electrical ties, wire, some inner tube rubber, pliers, and channel locks. I also carry and extra qt of oil, spark plugs, and some electrical terminals. I probably have more but this is what comes to mind. I keep all my tools in a aft compartment in a white canvas bag that Walmart sells in their craft dpt. I like those canvas bags for stuff on the boat.


I keep a set similar to this on the boat!

Has all the basics plus a couple of extras, zip ties, some nuts bolts, etc etc.


The needlenose pliers usually end up out more then in the kit......!!!!

I also keep extra spark plugs, oil, and an emergency cigarette w/matches. Don't smoke but if a problem arises that I can't fix with this kit, I break the glass and have a smoke before I call for help...:grin:



I went to west marine last spring and told them I had bought a new boat and they gave me a tool set and discount card for free.

  Satisfaxion_Gauranteed said:
I'm with Dirty Dog and Priority 1; I have a kit that I keep plus a couple spare spark plugs and plug tool.

The best tool offshore is good maintence inshore.

You know the people that have the gear onboard in case of emergency are the same ones that maintain there boats in the off season. They seldom need the tools or the parts. 90% of boaters that break down on the water do not maintain their equipment properly. I suspect they are the same ones that run for a year with one headlight on their vehicles, or are along side the road with their hoods up. These boaters do little to help themselves, but expect you to tow them in when they have a problem. Don't get me wrong, I have helped a few stranded boaters before without asking for a dime. My point is???? You get my point LOL:)

  • 1 month later...

A basic tool kit marine radio and lots of cold beer just in case I have to get towed in I have something thing to give the guy.....and the beer will help me forget that I should have done a better pretrip inspection of my rig..


Im with Levi we have enough tools to fix the space shuttle! If all else fails we also have cold beer in the floor box! We could rewire the boat or pull the motor if needed:lol:


I two am with Levi. Carry a big enough piece of Makabelt with you if you break a fan belt. Do not need to pull anything off to replace as it binds together the way it is put togther. Glf. this is the stuff we use on alot of belt drive conveyer at work, the red stuff. this will let you finish your day of fishing and then some to get back in and replace it with oem.

  • 1 month later...

Got a cheaper portable tool set along with the standard list of spare parts and any specialy tools and things like bulbs, wire kit and such.

My buddy always had a bag of tools until we got the tool box, funny, we inventoried it, not sure why but we had a jack and air pump? Those stay in the truck now.


  • 5 months later...

I also keep most of the tools mentioned above on my boat, like said "you never know when you may need something." For the whole summer that box doesn't leave the boat, hate to forget it and then need it. Through the course of the summer I have been doing some maintenance, spark plugs, wires, cap, solonoid, etc...none of the things that I replace were bad/faulty, I did it for a piece of mind. When I am done putting on the new stuff, the old stuff is examined, and if in good shape it stays on board as well. I know it is the old stuff, but if ever in a jam it could save my a$$!!!!

Good Luck...


I have all the basic tools, sparks plugs, fuses, and an emergency start kit (rope with handle for manually starts).

The one tool that saved me a lot of trouble was my wire cutters! My rigger was hung up on a reef awhile back and I'm pretty glad my wire cutters were there. Not sure what would've happened. The wire could've broke, or my trolling board could have ripped off the boat. Just glad to replace the cable.


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