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It's time , that's what the Doctor has said , had MRI last week and it show full width Rotator Cuff Tare. The summer should be lots of rest , cruising and prolly NO fishing since it's my right arm and it takes a lot of arm strength to land these kings . Doc says 6-8 weeks in a sling the rehab ...... Well it's going to be hard not to fish , but I may try some dipsies here and there .......any ideas???



I wouldn't think that a right arm issue should be that big of a problem. All the right hand/arm does is crank the reel... unless you have "left" hand reels. The left arm is the one that gets the work out pumping the rod.

I have often thought that us right handed people should be using our stronger right arms on the rod and the left on the reel -- just like I do with a spinning outfit. Never have understood why "normal" conventional reels are setup the way they are. Recently I noticed that Okuma has started making a lot of their reels (including the line counters) in "left" handed models.


Yeah left arm is injured too, small Tare in bicep tendon , there won't be any pumping of the rods this year , I can skip a year of fishing to fix an 8 year old injury , the pain is getting unbearable and I feel all the Motrin might be damaging my liver a little . The way I feel right now I couldn't pull in an elwive !!!!!!


  SeaCatMich said:
I have often thought that us right handed people should be using our stronger right arms on the rod and the left on the reel -- just like I do with a spinning outfit. Never have understood why "normal" conventional reels are setup the way they are. Recently I noticed that Okuma has started making a lot of their reels (including the line counters) in "left" handed models.

Right handed has more to do with coordination than strength. The finer the action the easier it is to do with the right hand. Since its used more it gets just a little bit stronger, not the other way around.


My left arm sure fatigues a lot faster. Reeling does not take a whole lot of coordinator to me.

I yank the chain in my bass fishing buddies all the time about casting with their right hand and then putting the rod in their left to retrieve and fight the fish.


Robert, I had shoulder surgery three years ago. You'll be in a sling for about 6 weeks. That year I fished a few times before the surgery and only once after it. I realized quickly that I shouldn't be doing what I was and risk re-injuring the shoulder. After a lot of my own therapy and a couple of weeks of supervised therapy my shoulder is as good as new with great range of motion. Play it safe.


I am not an expert but having gone through 3 rotator cuff surgery's I can say DO and PLEASE listen to your doc/surgeon.

To be totally honest it takes a full year for complete pain free recovery.

Good luck with the rehab. :)


boltman - maybe you can get to the point where you feel good enough to be the captain only. i would rather be setting in the drivers chair watching others bring in fish then home on the couch. if you have a couple friends that can help dock the boat and know how to set lines you are all set. find some kids, seniors, people with not much money etc. and invite them along-sure to be good karma for a speedy recovery. good luck !


I had a full tear and rotator cuff surgery on Dec 22. At 8 post surgery weeks I was in costa rica and landed a 7' sailfish. The movements of fighting a fish did not bother my shoulder at all.



you know I'll come set lines for ya anytime I can! Hell I'm such a great guy I'll catch em land em. What ever ya need! But I will not eat them for you but you already know that! If you need the help or need a mate (do not confuse with cabin boy! lol) for friends, family, let me know and I will do what I can! More notice the better!


Jeff I'll keep that in mind for sure , I don't believe dock this boat will be an issue. I won't risk it fishing though .... I need this arm to be better then what is has been and after that it's time for the left arm ..... Guys thanks for all the well wishing and Jeff I may take you up on that offer ...


  • 1 month later...

Ok update , had the surgery and the nerve blocker wore off at 10am it lasted almost 24 hours after surgery, now I'm on Percocet it's just taking the edge off.

I do have this meet cooler/pump that wraps around my shoulder and pumps cool water around my arm. That's wonderful....



cooler/pump that wraps around my shoulder and pumps cool water around my arm. That's wonderful....

Yes they are.Keep that bucket full of ice and running 24/7. Slept in a recliner with that pump running. My next suggestion is ditch the Perkys and go with 3 ibuprofin instead,worked better for me and lost the perky side effects.;)

  Boltman said:
Ok update , had the surgery and the nerve blocker wore off at 10am it lasted almost 24 hours after surgery, now I'm on Percocet it's just taking the edge off.

I do have this meet cooler/pump that wraps around my shoulder and pumps cool water around my arm. That's wonderful....


A cuff with a pump?? Awesome. The wife only had a cuff that got filled with ice water from basically a Bubba keg. It had to be filled/drained manually.

If you got 24 hrs from the nerve block that was great. Wife had about 11 hours. And when it wore off, it was gone!!


I feel for you. I broke my fibula, tibia, and tore my meniscus on May 3rd playing softball. Haven't gotten to dip the boat yet, but hoping within next week or two. I'm sick of sitting around. Cutting out caffeine was the worst part (not good for one growth). I hope recovery goes well for you.

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