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Took my nephew out for a graduation present, along with his dad and another fella and his son. Fished 130 to 240 FOW and had 6 hits and landed 5. 3 Kings, a metal head and a coho. Big fish was a 21 1/2 king that had a pot belly. This fish wasn't processed as the fella that landed it wanted it whole but I am sure it was a female and planted to boot.

5 of the 6 hits came on meat rigs with 10" SD with a UV Gasoline meat head took 3 hits, 10 " Kevins girlfriend and DW Green mile took one and 1 hit on a 10 " Froggy/chrome with an old green magnum meat head.

I don't want to get bashed but 4 of the 5 meat hits came on meat strips that I whipped up yesterday and I want to test them further before sharing details. Right now I am hoping they become the latest and greatest.

Still tough fishing out of Manistee with most of the fleet getting less than 7 or 8 hits per trip so I feel especially blessed with our trip.

Can't wait until the next time.



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