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Holland 07-18-2014 - pm trip

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Well, I wasn't planning on fishing this weekend, but I started to see everyone posting pictures of HUGE kings and numbers better than we have seen since May and I had to jump in....that and the lake was supposed to be flat flat flat, so we had to try to get my son William out there (he is 4). We didn't kill em, but we got 3 and William got to catch, with a little help, his first steelhead. Fished with my Dad and my son...awesome...Thank you Scottie for all your help. Could not have done it without you there.

120-140 fow was where we did the most damage. Went 3 for 4, one took a rip and was not home. 3 of the 4 hits were on 300 copper with a mag green and blue ladder back uv silver streak spoon (not sure the name). Other one was on a meat rig 190 back on a mag diver on 1, green with black dots and a big weenie setup.


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