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I got my dad out today,we fished off Grand Haven. We went 8 for 8, six kings and two steelhead. Four of the kings ran between 10 and 13 lbs, one around 9 the last around 6 lbs. We fished just outside the mud in 40 - 60 fow, with 50 being the best, south east troll 2.5 sog. Both steelhead came on a four color with a green kato spoon. Kings were 3 on a 200 copper/ green dolphin, 1 on a rigger 40 down /pink panties, 1 on a rigger 35 down / blue dolphin, 1 on a slider about 25 down/ caramel dolphin. Lake was flat today but very foggy.

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Thanks for the report! Very nice job on the fish!

I was getting my boat "ready" at North Shore Marina yesterday late morning/early afternoon, and couldn't believe the fog!

Were you out morning or night?

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