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Fished some choppy water last night out of Muskegon in 65'-75'...trolled into the waves for a while then took a 30# King on mono Dipsy #3 150' back white Spin Doctor and a Oceana Rapture/Stinger meat rig. Started the night with 2/4 electric downriggers shorted out (which I have never had a problem with before). My right two worked so I put two J-plugs on in the channel and waited for the lake to calm down. As I came out of the channel I had a Scaley Green J-Plug 28' down get hooked into something in the middle of the arms (which I have also never had happen) and I ended up having to cut the line. We shot out to 55' and I set the combo above off the Dipsy and then I tangled a line in the downrigger cable as I was setting the rigger (I felt like it was my first time fishing and at this point I was ready to throw the riggers off the boat and call it good haha). As I fixed that mess and reattached the swivel and lure the Dipsy screamed loose trolling South and we fought this monster for over 20 minutes. The ONLY good thing (other then this monster fish) was I did not have any cables or lines in the water and I was able to maneuver the boat quickly to track the fish down. He peeled out 200' of line in 7-8 seconds...it was a real nightmare turned into an amazing trip. Good luck everyone...Muskegon is HOT from 60-70 45-70 down...big fish are STACKED in there!! :thumb: (If someone can explain to me how to post a picture on here I will be more then happy to show you guys/gals)!


Ryan, I know we are 60 miles away from each other here in Ludville, but I hope you might share my observations, that the underwater currents here are not normal this season at all! In fact, they are very fast, then a mile or two later, very slow. It's a mis-calculation to assume that Lk. Michigan is the same this season, as many previous. This is literally forcing fisherman to adjust to some extremes that we haven't seen in many years. Watch the graph, and hope to make the necessary changes, as the speed/temps. of water is mostly changing in short order all too often. For those interested, check out fish-ludington.com for some other interesting observations and comments. Thanks.


Thanks Ed - we've witnessed it a little in Holland, but I think our currents are no where near what you experience because of the structure in Ludville.

Great story - and GREAT fish....jut curious...this is the second report in a week that said "mono dipseys"...you guys are seriously running mono dipseys - how do you get them to pop?

Are you running 50# mono or something?


We just got a new boat this year and next year we are going to rig it with lead core/copper/wire dipsys...but honestly we have never had a problem running mono dipsys...I know it is a little old fashioned but we use 30lb and they release great??


Ran 30lb mono dipseys all last year and never had a problem. Switched to braid due to its durability and diameter. Otherwise mono works fine.


<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/gallery/files/5/3/8/1/1239961_10200563081540412_1092515130_n_1.jpg' alt='1239961_10200563081540412_1092515130_n_1.jpg'>

Ok I now understand how to post pics...thanks for the help...he was 42" and was wide as my 120qt cooler and folded up end to end and the bottom of the cooler itself is 35"...an absolute beast...and believe it or not I lost one bigger....amazing fishing this year!!


I also fish mono dipseys I have heard all the pros to running braid so I ran some. I took half my dipsys and ran braid and half with mono I set my test up with same fly same flasher same dipsey setting ie ran 6 Riggs 2@ 3-2@1.5 off side and 2@ 0 right off the back I switched braid and mono back and forth port and starbord and in the 4 days I tested I took 16 fish on mono and 2 on braid I will never go back to braid the only thing I can figure is the stretch in the mono creates a dif action as it expands and contracts don't know do know I catch way more fish I use 20# main line 30# floro dipsey to flasher and 40# floro flasher to fly this is just my experience and what works for me never have a problem tripping but I check and set/adjust the screw tension so it just stays tight enough to run good luck!!


WOW...nice fish bud!!!! Still waiting for my monster! 20lbs in my record....30 is a dream!! lol


Thanks guys for the information. I really like the mono dipsy's....especially after I caught him haha. I got him in 65 f.o.w. 150' back on a Stinger meat rig with oceana rapture teasers with a white spin doctor in front. I lost one on the same set-up the next morning that was bigger then him...I know it does not sound believable but no joke...it ended up snapping my line and almost breaking my pole...


I have heard from others that there is a cable that runs between the lighthouses (outside ones) in Muskegon and that is probably what you got hung up on. I don't put my stuff that close to bottom because there is plenty of stuff to hang you up in there. I'm down 23 or so at most while working the breakwater and channel. N side of the channel by the inside green light across from the CG / NOAA building there is a shallow spot there that will eat your gear so watch for that too if you are combat fishing.

Mono dipsies are OK so long as you keep them fairly short. Once you get out past 175 to 200 it is a real pain to trip them (or you have to adjust them and they false trip) and they also dont dive as well as with braid. I use 30 LB fireline with 30 lb mono backing and have not looked back since. This year is one of the few recently where the temps are higher up (or all over the place) so mono dispies would work well where the line out is 150 or less.

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