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We gotta late start Saturday kinda like this report being late to the board sorry bout that! We hit water 8*30 ish with the chatter on radio not being good went 120 to 200 fow in front of dunes and not a bit for 2 hrs circled back into 53fow and found a pocket of 58-59 degree water out deeper top water read 64 ) imediatly hit fish spin doctors and flies where getting allthe hits so we yanged everything dropped out 6 dipsey spindoctors and fly or fishcatcher paddle and fly combos and left two riggers down with same and slider spoons above kept circling in that water as shallow as 48fow never deeper than 60fow went 6-for 13 or 14 two kings 22#and 24# the rest being average 8# coho one was small 4# by 1 o'clock surf water went to 67 degrees and fish where gone decided to bag it instead of chase them around happy with the 6 we cooler'd took all hits in 2 1/2 hours 10:30 till 12:30 with not another boat on the lake flies where green blue or green crinkle white w/glow spin doc and fish catchers where white green glow or black plaid took nothing on lead/plainner/spoon all flies off riggers or dipseyies need to invest in a fishhawk by next season but hey we still did better than the 40 to 50 boats out there that bagged it skunked or with acouple of fish in fact we called out to the boats that where all out deep complaining about no takers and told everyone exactly what we where doing how and with what and what fow we where in yet not

a single boat came in and joined us a 14 fish on in 2 1/2 had a blast


We ran boards with 10,7,5 lead with spoons and plugs then pulled them all and went to running 6 dipseys and two riggers ran dipseys on 3,1.5,0 settings (3@168-1.5@ 145--0@ 90 riggers set back 20ft at 50 and 45 down in 48 to 60 fow (bumped bottom more than a few times and would just raise them up a couple feet on north troll we took 5 or 6 hits at 2.1 to 1.8 and on south trolls we took all the rest including big kings @ 2.5 to 2.9 those r GPS speeds not at the ball in desp need of a fishhawk to get real temps and speed at ball all flies where run with either white spindoctors with green or mntdew on one side and glow on other or fishcatcher black paddles with plaid / green paddle with fish scale took couple hits as well didn't run any flys off plainers


Great action in the ports of Ludington and Pentwater right now, some real BIG FISH being taken right now. Come prepared with heavy line, and batteries charged up to full for these BRUTE KINGS that can tear a man's arm out of the sockets.


I gotta agree captain Ed cuz I know for a fact we did not boat our largest fish we lost atleast 4 fish bigger than our biggest 24# !! =-O


Can't wait to be up there Labor day weekend!! 4 day vacation and fishing here we come! Might have to take a few more days off work if it all goes well! If you're up there around Wednesday through SUnday of labor day weekend I'd be happy to hook up on cell or radio!

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