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fished out of holland today fished 60 to 70 fow with 70 fow being best . Ended up 12 for 17 with 5 being salmon one was 17 lbs two were 12 to 15 lbs and an 8lb king and a coho the rest were lake trout. We got fish on 150,and 250 45 lb bloodrun coppers , 40 and 45 down on riggers and wire dipseys back 100 with mag dipseys set on 1. the best spoon was a laker taker jp slammer that spoon took 6 fish, others that worked were mag lemon berry streak, mag streak not sure of the name , and a carmel dolphin jp slammer , i will post pictures of the spoons later.Thanks to Mark,Mike and Mully for coming along today it was fun with great freinds!


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