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Saw the reports of catching perch on the Bay and I'm thinking of bringing the boat with me to work one night and heading over in the morning. I was wondering if someone would be willing to give me some tips on where to go? How do you rig your lines? Minnows or wigglers? Never done it before. If your interested in riding along I will probably have room also. Day depends on the weather but thursday would be best. Tuesday and wednesday would be the other options. Thanks in advance.


Nick, we have gotten good perch at 1 & 2 bouys. Anchor off of either side of the channel. You will have lots of company. Just standard perch rigs, no beads, and a shiner. That is the hard part, shortage of shiners. Call around and make arrangements for them and you are good to go. The fishing has been day to day, ranging from slow (20 per person), to limits. Cooler cleaner water is the key. After blow days it is tough. If things stay like they are now, I don't see a fall Simcoe trip in my future this season, it has been that good.

I have also heard about good catches at the Black Hole, and the first sparkplug. The area in front of the "hotel" in Augres has also its share of reports out there. I can't personally vouch for them however.


Tony, are 1 & 2 buoys the ones close to Bay City? I'm not real familiar with the names you guys use. I do have one of those Saginaw Bay maps but the only "slang" term I saw on it was the Black Hole. Where is the best place to launch my boat coming over from Midland? I launched out of LBM last time but hit a rock coming back in & wasn't real happy about it.


Launch at the DNR launch on Patterson Rd, then follow the bouys all the way out that's the long way but once you're in the channnel you won't have to worry about hitting a rock.


Buoy's 1 and 2 are at the end or beginning of the channel, depends if you are coming or going. :confused:With that said they are the end buoy's farthest from Bay City.


So I'd be better off launching out of Linwood than Bay City, huh? Looks like I won't be able to go this week, I have to take Parker in for his 18 month checkup on friday. Maybe next week. Thanks for all the help guys.


Here's a map for you to look around with. The little red marker in center of map(and bay) is bouy 2(red one). Haven't been out in awhile, but heard just 2 days ago of some limits of slabs up off Standish. Seems 16-19 fow has been good. We got them pretty decent at bouy's 1 and 2 a few weeks back, but haven't been out since. Heading out for last salmon trip this weekend, then its perch and eyes on the bay until Next year. Aside from the Whitefish,browns, and steel in Nov.:lol:


  travelintinner said:
I am new to the saginaw bay I have been out 3 times and only caught a sheepshead can one of you tell me where the black hole is thank you in advance

The map link above will show it. Zoom in and out at bottom of map. Here's it is to left(west) of channel makers. Its the 25-26' oblong area. The wavy lines starting at bouy 6 and running north are called the "fingers", another popular spot........ http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm?lat=43.7898149138&lon=-83.797729167&scale=120000&zoom=50&type=0&height=498&width=498&icon=0&searchscope=dom&CFID=946063&CFTOKEN=28905893&scriptfile=http://mapserver.mytopo.com/homepage/index.cfm&bpid=MAP0060030900&latlontype=DM.MM

  travelintinner said:
I am new to the saginaw bay I have been out 3 times and only caught a sheepshead can one of you tell me where the black hole is thank you in advance

Keith, A warm welcome. :welcome:


Fished ne of the black hole in 20 fow on Saturday and the wife and I kept 68, 8" to 11"! Went back Sunday and started in closer do to wind and got a few and then she layed down a bit so we went back out deeper and they were gone! Only ended the day with around a dozen keepers!

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