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G'day from across Lake Huron

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Hey guys,

Stumbled on this site while searching for Lake Huron fishing info.Starting to get back into the salmon fishing,I helped my dad and partner run their charter boat out of Kincardine in the late 80's.

I picked up a boat off of a buddy this winter,it's defineately not a salmon boat but I have been doing quite well.It's an 18' crestliner Jon,I have to be picky on the wind conditions but so far it's been great.

We've netted about 36 fish in 6 outings.Mostly coho,biggest was about a 10lb bow.

I've had my son out with me every time,the first salmon he brought in,he couldn't believe the fight.I told him to wait until we get into some bigger fish.

This looks like an excellant site and hope to try out some tactics you fellas use.



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Welcome Dave, great to have some Canadian's here to keep us posted on your side of the pond. I think you'll find we have a great community of helpful people here and we welcome your participation!

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Welcome aboard Dave! Feel free to ask about anything you need help with and browse around the different sections of the site. we don't have many members from your area but hopefully you will find some info to help you out. Good luck the rest of the year.

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Hey dave

Im just down the road from you

I have not made it out that much this year due to work however clean spoons seem to be the ticket for us this year lots of jacks not to many big guys yet..

Derby just around the corner

If i can help or your need anything drop me a line

Good luck

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