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Fished the 4th tournament and just could not get the salmon going. Had to weigh in all stealhead. My think is that we won the trout division! Naturally, that night we boat two kings over 17 each.

Did not fish Thursday morning but had a trip last night and this morning.

We are 22-43 since we arrived and started fishing Tuesday night.

Did take our first 25# of the year today.

We have been working a little inside of most of the traffic North at about 120 FOW - 85-100 on the rigger. Have been taking a number of fish out of temp on free sliders and 10 color. Several on 300 CU and finally got our divers going in the 225-245 range.

What's been working best:

Riggers: Black Fin Tuna early evenings., Moonshine Glow Wonderbread low light.

10 Color with MS Mag Mod Blue Dolphin

300 CU with SS Evil Alewife

Divers - 11" Blue Pearl Glow with UV Blue Dolphin and UP Double Eye Ghost Eye Flys

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