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Running 2 dipseys on same side

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With the addition of some more rodholders, my boat is now able to try this setup of 2 dipseys a side. I plan on having a magnum set at 2, and a regluar size set at 5. Question: If I have the magnum out 80-90 ft on counter, what should other dipsey be to avoid crossing or tangles? Should it be farther back, or shorter. Or is this setup not right, and if so, what should it be?

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I run Walkers and I run the inside diver on 1 (mag) on a 7' rod and the outside diver on 3 (standard) on a 9' rod. I just let them out as far as I need to in order to hit the depth I want. The outside one should be running farther out to the side so you need to let it back farther in order to hit the same depth. If I want to be 50' down I let the inside diver out 100' and the outside diver out 150' to start with. If one is getting hit and the other isn't I adjust from there. Hope this helps.

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first off i would run the same size divers on one side. i usely run 3 divers per side, but have been known to run 4. but if you run the same size divers it just works better. if i was just running 2 divers, just run the front outside diver on a higher setting, like say a 3 setting. then let it out far enough to hit your target depth. then run the back inside diver on a 1 setting, and run it atleast 30 ft less than your front rod. that way if you get a fish on the front outside rod, you can let it back out without pulling your back inside rod. jest start letting it out on the far side of the boat then when you have it out about 20 ft farther than the back inside rod take the rod up and over the back rod and place it in the holder. that should put you out about 30 ft farther than the back inside rod, and just lock it down. and it will go out and over that line.

one other thing i always do, i make sure to use the same weight line and put the same amount of line on each reel. this just helps keep your counters accurate with the other reels.

hope i said something that helps you and doesnt just make it worse. its really pretty simple after you do it a few times.

and i use the lite bite slide divers. if i want to get really deep they have a kit that has a big ring and a 4 oz weight you can use. but for walleye the standard ring and weight is all i ever use.

if you have any questions about anything i said, feel free to pm me. i,ll help if i can.


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The responses are very similar to the way we run ours. I usually run a wire diver on a shorter rod on 1 inside and run a slide diver light bite outside on a longer rod set on 3. I have had issues bringing a mag with a ring into the mix before, but never between standard and slide diver.

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I always run three on a side. I go deep with first one mag diver with ring set on 1 with 8 foot rod wire line. Se cond is wireline mag diver set on 2 no ring and I let it out further than first one its on a 9 foot rod. Third one I use 10 foot rod number 1 dipsey eith a spoon. Usually run this 90 foot back. I also run lead core and copper and make sure my boards are out past where this dipsey is. I have an auto pilot that is great. Would never want someone to drive that couldnt drive fairly straight with multiple dipseys. Catch alot of fish on the hi dipsey. No mater what water temp is.

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some follow up questions: When running multiple divers off a side, is it vital or just easier to use different length rods? Also, I assume it's like running multiple boards off a side, where the longest, deepest diver runs nearest the boat, and the shallower running ones go toward the outside? Also, do you run the deepest diver rod in the front (nearest the back of the boat) and the shallower ones in the back holder, behind the deeper rod?

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It just makes it easier, especially on turns to have your inside diver on a shorter rod. You are right on with the multiple divers, deeper toward the boat and higher outside and behind. One thing that has really helped me is when you set out your dipseys, put them in the water then slowly back off the drag until it starts to peel out by itself, this lets the dipsey slowly track down without flipping over .

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i always like using the shortest rod at the back of the boat and go about a ft longer as i go forward. it just helps keep the rod ends and lines from tangling. i use a 7 ft rod in the back on a 1 1/2 setting the next rod is 8 ft on a 3 setting. then the next rod is a 9 ft on a 4 1/2 setting. then if im running 4 rods the very front rod is a 10 ft on a 6 setting. now i use all lite bite slide divers and the dials are just alittle different than say a dipsy. but this gives you an idea.

if i go to the central basin and marking fish deep in say 70 ft of water. i,ll put my 10 ft rod out on a 6 setting 240 ft. then i set my 9 ft rod on a 4 1/2 setting out 210 ft. then my 8 ft rod on a 3 setting out 180 ft. then the very back 7 ft rod on a 1 1/2 setting out 150 ft. then i just do whatever the fish want. if im marking fish up shallow at say 50 ft, i like to fish alittle above the fish. so i might start out with my front rod out 180 ft then 150 ft then 120 ft then 90 ft. this keeps the deepest shortest divers on the inside. if i adjust my depth i,ll adjust the whole side.


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We run 2 divers per side very often. Mag with ring on 1 1/2 on wire for low diver and regular with ring on 3 on braid for high diver. Usually run the high divers 20-30' longer than low divers and never have any issues.

Sly- yes low diver closest to stern high diver forward of low.

Good Fishing,


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