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Three of us tried St. Joe again yesterday. Didn't go past 110, and stayed mostly in the 100's. Tried a lot of the areas we did good in last week with no success. Ended up with a small coho on a Pro King Magnum with lots of greens in it and another 2 year old king on the same spoon, about 45 down. Ran flies, flashers, a J-plug for awhile and bunches of different spoons. Not good, plus it was rough for my little boat. Didn't mark to many but had a few come up and take a look at the down riggers but no go. Another boat was way out, I think he said in the 200s' and got 6, I assume Kings but don't know. Fished a little north and south of the pier heads but mostly straight west. Still a beautiful day on the lake!

Paul C.

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