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I am in the process of downsizing to a smaller boat (Sea Nymph aluminum) from a larger fiberglass boat. I had been using rail mount rod holders....and I want to change over to track mounted rod holders (heavy duty) for deep water and shallow water trolling. Right now I have narrowed my rod holder search down to Bert's, Cisco, and the newer Cannon dual axis. I know it is a matter of preference, but I tend to over analyze every purchase. Anyone have an opinion based on tried and true experience?

Thanks in advance for any responses.


Thanks, Buster. Visually and functionally, these look the best to me.....but I question the reliability of the plastic piece down by the gear/index area.


Thanks guys....I am leaning toward the Bert's. Mainly due to price, secondly because I like the polished finish (yeah, I know....stupid reason....):no:


The Cisco ones really looked nice for Walleye fishing, as they are very adjustable. I opted for the Cannon Duel axis, because I like the one handed raise and lower feature. I put then on the boat this year, but have not used them yet. I will be using them for Salmon though.


i have all cisco on my boat,from planner reels to riggers to rod holders and love them.the most adjustable rod holder out there in my opinion.i also like the fact that the tubes are threaded on the base not pressed and glued.they do cost more tho.also like that there are none of the stupid caps to loose.their track is nice too,comes with set screws on the ends so you dont have to buy the seprate end caps,saving you a few bucks:thumb:.


Any of the 3 would be a good choice. If you go with the Bert's check out Northwood's in Pinconning. They have the best prices I have seen. I think you can even get them online.


i am using the cannon ratcheting holders myself and think they are as good or better than any out there, and they do look very good. but i reccomend the single axis and here is why. the duel axis can be adjusted farther than the single but you have to align the pin with the hole. they have a square base and they adjust from one pin hole to the next hole. but the single axis has an oval base, you just loosen them up and you can turn them 1/16 of an in if you want to. or you can turn them 1/4 in or 1 in. just as much as you want. if one of the pin holes in the duel axis doesnt match up where you want your rod holder then you just have to live with it being off just alittle.

the 1st 4 i bought i got off ebay, they are the duel axis ones. well i disdnt really like the limited adjustment when turning them. so the next ones i got i bought at amazon.com, and they are much better and much cheaper. boaterbarn.com has them for 63.00, but i dont know what the shipping is. amazon.com has them for 69.00 and free shipping. and if you look around on line you might even find them cheaper. one guy told me he found them for 57.00 but he bought the last one they had.

these are sharp holders and they are solid and strong. i use them for running lite bite slide divers, and they are awesome. just grip the holder with one hand and put it down. then if you want to take your rod out just grab the rod and ratchet the holder to the upright position and just lift the rod up out of the holder. i would tell my own mother to get the cannon single axis rod holders. but then i dont like her much,LOL. just kidding.




I have had a pair of Cisco triples that are track mounted for the past 7 seasons and I absolutely LOVE them! Not an issue in the world.

Currently going to a bigger boat and you can bet my Cisco's are going with me! I am a very satisfied customer.

  medic said:

I have had a pair of Cisco triples that are track mounted for the past 7 seasons and I absolutely LOVE them! Not an issue in the world.

Currently going to a bigger boat and you can bet my Cisco's are going with me! I am a very satisfied customer.

Thanks, I spoke with Cisco today on the phone. Very impressed. Lifetime warranty no matter what, made in USA. Guess I need to start saving up!:thumb:


Not a problem!! I also have their eight tube rocket launcher and that thing is bulletproof! The thing I love about it the most is that the tubes actually screw off, so if you're shrinkwrapping the boat in the winter, you can remove them and just leave the base.

I'm in the process of stepping up in boats, and there isn't room for my rocket launcher on the radar arch due to the current open array radar. I'm seriously considering cutting it in half, and mounting half on each side of the radar. It will fit then... LOL


I just ordered some of the Cisco Track for my boat. I talked with Dave over at the Grand Rapids show and was very impressed with their product. I would love to have their rod holders and slide mounts for the down riggers but will have to wait for additional funds to free up for that.

They also had an interesting twist on the Dipsy rod holder. Instead of the ratcheting design, they implemented an Aluminum version of the lift out rod holders that might be worth considering. Very pricey but heavy duty and looks to be well made.

The last time I was up at Northwoods they had a very good price on the Berts ratcheting rod holders. Cheaper than their online price and better than any I have seen online. Will be going up again on Friday and can check to see if they are still on sale if you like.



Thanks Greg. I am getting ready to place an order to outfit my boat with Cisco track and a net holder. I have decided that I am going to go with the Cisco rod holders. I will have to purchase them over time, but in the long run I feel it will be worth it. I was sold on their warranty after talking with David from Cisco. Thanks for the offer of checking the Bert's for me....but I plan on holding out till I can buy all Cisco. I did see their cradle type rod holders on their website. Very interesting ! My favorite rod holders of this type are salty's, but I would definitely consider the Ciscos. Maybe next year !


Dave.. Those cradle holder's are awesome for dipsey's! They came out with them two seasons after I had bought my triples. If they would have had them then, I would have bought a double of the cradle holders and the regular holders for my in line planer rods. I have never looked at the Cisco track so I cannot comment on it, but I know for a fact that if you'd rather go with Traxstech or Berts track, Cisco will put the matching base on your holders for that track. Thats what I have. Just another option if you so desire.. Have fun shopping! You will never regret your purchase!!


I'm definitely going to check out the dipsey rod cradles ! Maybe buy them before the normal rod holders, as I am going to use them for dipseys anyway. Saving my $$$$.


i did not see Traxstech mentioned, also a top notch option. Great products also backed by lifetime warranty and superb customer service.


Just went onto the bluewater site. Looks like a decent product but when I clicked to see what they cost the website doesn't work. With the amount of options out there, I'd have trouble investing in a company that doesn't have their stuff dialed in.....


Yeah, I also looked at their website....didn't work and couldn't find pricing info. I did look at their product during my last trip to Frank's Great Outdoors and the rod holders are VERY nice...and seem to be a functional design....I bet they would sell a ton if their internet site was user-friendly and if they had more stores and other internet sites selling them.


I know im jacking the thread but its kinda related

has any one placed an online order with Northland outlet?

id like to get a few berts holders and some other things and was wondering how they handle internet orders...

thanks and sorry for stealing the thread!


Aaron, you aren't jacking the thread! No problem.....this is all good discussion. I assume you are asking about Northwoods Outlet in Michigan? I haven't ordered via their online store, but I've been in the store SEVERAL times. Very large store, their fishing section is very well organized and well kept. A good selection of great lakes fishing gear. The best prices I've seen on Okuma Convector reels and name brand rod holders (Bert's, etc.) and accessories. One of my favorite stops in Eastern Michigan....along with Jays Sporting Goods and Frank's Great Outdoors.

Based on how well kept their store is, I would definitely give them a try with an online order.



I've bought a bunch of stuff from Northwoods in the last few months online... Best prices and really fast shipping!

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