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I have seen a few videos where they stack 2 rods on one rigger.

Has anyone here did this and how did it work out for you. How high did you keep the second line , and what kind of lengths did you use . Were they productive?


jim, we stack our riggers all the time if we are fishing deep like 80 and deeper. we put the stacker release 10 ft above the bottom release. we use cannon clip releases for the stackers. we do very well on this set up.some times this his hotter than copper set ups for us.


We used to do this about 14 or so years ago when i first started. We did this normally fishing anything below 100, before there were other, more productive ways to get baits down there.

Top line would always be about half the length back as the deep line.

It's something we really haven't done in the last 10 years or so, mostly because it just isnt as productive as runnin a pinned slider and a copper, or more divers. Stacking takes rods away from your limit and allows less baits in the water. I guess theoretically you could pin a slider to the top rod if it were long enough to get past the bow of your bottom rod, but your just hoping for troubles then :P

Another reason we went away from it is because of the way its gotta be done. Pulling the top rod every time the bottom one goes off, and when the rigger bite is on, we all know you gotta get it back down there! Although it is kind of fun to see both rigger rods start pounding at the same time!

It also makes it EXTREMELY challenging, if not impossible to run any type of rotator or paddle on a rigger.

I personally think its great for a smaller boat, or someone by themselves not interested in running anything long.


You can essentially do the same thing with fixed, or free sliders, and it doesn't cost you a line in the water. Or a nasty tangle. Just my two pennies.


  DarkBlue said:
You can essentially do the same thing with fixed, or free sliders, and it doesn't cost you a line in the water. Or a nasty tangle. Just my two pennies.


In WI sliders do count as another line.

I have run stackers in the past but not for some time, now if I want to add a line in my rigger spread I will use a slider. Sliders always seemed like less of a hassle when changing lures and resetting. Majority of the time though I do not run any stackers or sliders, I would rather spread out more with copper and core instead.


i used them many years ago. but for me there just not worth all the hassle. if i was only going to run all riggers then i probably would stack. but since i,ve learned to use divers i just dont stack anymore. you can use the lite bite slide divers with the big ring and the 4 oz weight and get pretty deep.



Been doin it for years, Walker used to make a stacker release that slid on the cable u had to crimp a stop about 10 ft up the cable and u had a stacker. Now I use the Big Jon stacker clips. Big advantage is u can space anywhere u want on the stacker. I usually run about 10 to 20 ft above the ball depending on how deep I am fishing. I like it better than using sliders, but there are days when sliders catch a lot of fish.


Chamberlain makes a stacker that when it gets up to the end of the rigger, it drops back down the cable to the ball. They are adjustable just like the release.


I didn't know Wis. or any State would dare count a slider as another rod, that's just silly, and inefficient for the angler. Yes, the free/stacked slider took the place of this quite a while ago, and with great success and efficiency. Sometimes though you get two fish on the same rod, hope your line and angler is strong enough to handle it if the fish are quite large....lol. I've had that quite a few times but either both fish were medium sized, or one was bigger and one smaller, so we got lucky and caught both. You ought to see the eyes of the angler when they see this happen, it's quite funny and not common in this sport at all.


With WI they are counting hooks or lures not always rods. If you fish with more than 1 hook it better be part of a lure or it will count as more than bait.

Kind of silly but you know how government acts.


We have been stacking the riggers with the Scotty's stackers that easily clip on the wire. We tried this in comparison to running 4 riggers and is easier to manage while turning tight. This also helps as it freed up my probe rigger and we can play it up and down, without screwing with the rod, to find good pockets. This method can make you work very hard but always seems productive.

  • 1 year later...

Been using rubber bands for a 6 ft cheater for years.set up your main line off the ball let rigger down 10ft, half hitch a rubber band around the cable take your cheater attach the snap to both the rubber band and to the same downriver line. Drop to where you want to fish .if a fish hits the cheater it wil break rubbish band and slide to lower release at ball and pop it then slide down line tooriginal lure . I fish hits lure behind ball when fish runs will pop rubber band and will come up with the fish to the net. Advantage= 2lines one rod. Cover more water.you can use a longer cheater but make sure it's no more than your rod length for netting the fish. Tight lines to ya!


I isn't so much that Wisconsin counts a slider as another rod. Wisconsin limits each person to 3 lures total in the water. So if you put a slider on one rod that is 2 of your lures and you can only run 1 other lure... usually on another rod. You could actually run only one rod with all 3 lures.

As for the original question, the biggest issue I have with stacking is having to have both rods out of the water to change a lure on one. There was a stacker release on the market that would walk a line down the rigger cable to allow you to release and reset the stacked line without bringing the rigger up, but I never tried it... so I can't say how well it worked.


They are a pain in the A$$. You nee to reset two lines if one trips. It's hard letting them down without one of them tripping. Some times when the lower rod takes a hit, it will get caught in the upper rod.


I can't find the info in it but there is a sliding release system that you can stack on your downrigger cable. You could add as many as you wanted It has a planer and comes up when released so you can reset it. The idea is you could just send the cannon ball down one time and fish all day with the release coming up to be reset. I had one long ago but can't remember the name of the company. It was kinda neat and did work however you could not load your rods up or it would just come up. It also did not trip from the rod so you had to reel it all the way up to change lures. I have no idea what I ever did with mine I might have left them on the old manual riggers I had them on.

  1 MAINIAC said:
I can't find the info in it but there is a sliding release system that you can stack on your downrigger cable. You could add as many as you wanted It has a planer and comes up when released so you can reset it. The idea is you could just send the cannon ball down one time and fish all day with the release coming up to be reset. I had one long ago but can't remember the name of the company. It was kinda neat and did work however you could not load your rods up or it would just come up. It also did not trip from the rod so you had to reel it all the way up to change lures. I have no idea what I ever did with mine I might have left them on the old manual riggers I had them on.

Would that be the Shuttle Hawk?


I fly solo most of the time out of an 18 ft boat and usually have one riggr stacked. I usually run a dodger fly on the up rod & a clean spoon on the bottom a little further back. Works for me & haven't had issues.

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