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a few more newbe questions:trying to keep my shopping list down, my game plain will be to run 4 divers and 2 riggers off of my boat (17.5 lund)the questions are.

1.best size walker deep diver for salmon in #100 foot or less

2.what would the best guess be for max distance form side of boat on(#2 or #3) setting.

3.most popular color or does color not even matter? (diver color)

4.what lb braid would work best?

any other general info anyone cares to add plz feel free



I would really think about running 2 boards and 2 divers and 2 riggers instead. There are many days where your boards are going out produce your divers and down riggers. Boards are $24 a piece and you can get 10 color lead core for $13 you could run 7 core on one and 3 core on the other one so you only have to by one 10 core. I prefer a 10 core and a 5 core. I set my divers at 2. I try to match my diver color to the color of my flasher. When I run spoons green seems to catch more fish.


40# Power Pro is a really good place to start with braid, but no less than 30#. I prefer Power Pro to other brands it is more supple and comes in the dark green color. I also second the going with 2 +2 +2. The boards give u a lot of flexibility. It is usually only at the end of the season that the riggers and dipseys really shine. In the spring up until June or when the cotton wood flies the boards really outshine all other presentations. I have a bigger boat but we always run 6 boards 2 to 4 dipsey and 2 to 4 riggers depending on the dipsey bite.


I have a 17.5 Lowe My set up last summer was

2 riggers

2 walker deeper divers (105's and 124's) I use the bigger ones for fishing on the bottom for lakers in June

and 6 copper/lead

BY FAR... the long lines caught me the most fish.

I am going to change my spread this year to the following

1 rigger

2 divers

7 boards

You no not need alot of differnt long lines to be effective.

a 300 copper and 200 copper will cover most everything you need with a handfull of dive bombs.

5 color of core is always nice to have around too:)


Ok thanks for the reply,so because of all the good info I'm rethinking my setup if I run two riggers,two divers and two boards ,what should I use leadcore?I like the idea of leadcore just have never used it or would copper be a better choice


It's never ending my friend. you will continue to add set ups year after year. You can't have enough. If you have a 7 & 10 color you will want a 10 color, or a 5 color. Too many options out there


I would use lead , copper can have its days where it doesn't take a hit. I have had days where the lead was quite , but those were very few and when that happened the riggers took over.

As long as you don't run into goofy currents you could run up to 4 riggers , 4 divers and as many boards as you can handle. I have a Tracker 17 targa and have it set up with 4 riggers , up to 4 divers and 8 boards. just depends what the fish want that day, as for what worked better it had to be the wire divers and riggers then the boards. Last year by far it was the boards that worked the best. the size diver I would use in your case would be the 107 for walkers. I have the 124 for my wire rods and I think its too much pull for the rods and i am down sizing them to the 107s.

Color on the divers , I used clear, although I used blue / chrome also . it really didn't seem to make a difference. For the size on the braid I use 80lb power pro, but 30-50 should get you there with out a problem.


So true jwheeler every time I think I have a good idea someone on this site has 10 better ones .but i do like the 2+2+2 setup .now to narrow it down to copper or leadcore ,because that's something else I no nothing about .

  ds541 said:
So true jwheeler every time I think I have a good idea someone on this site has 10 better ones .but i do like the 2+2+2 setup .now to narrow it down to copper or leadcore ,because that's something else I no nothing about .

They're both pretty simple once you run it a few times. Just make sure you tie the knots right. Copper will get you deeper, like I said you'll end up with both.


Ok I think leadcore it is .I know the choices are endless but if you had only two leadcore rods what would the color combination be 7 and 3 as stated before .or a full 10 ect.


Our 9 & 10 color were good with a plug this year. And then I would go with a 6 or 7 color. The real deal is I couldn't just have 2.....:grin:


Something I do for leadcore though is.....

I keep extra on the boat. I may not want to run a 3 color or a 5 color so I will take that off and rap it securely around a piece of PVC until I want to use it, and run something else instead of those lengths:thumb:


If your just starting out I would go 2 divers and 4 core or copper....

Way more usfull than riggers most of the time. (IMO) Cheeper then buying riggers too.

If you would like to take a trip an see the options your always welcome to fish on Scooby Snacks. (She is still in the garage if a wekeend in the near future works)


thats a very kind offer dave.but with my schedule at work i only get every

5th and 6th weekend off.and waterfowl season starts next week for me so that takes all my time.i'm in the planning stages for next yr,and everyone has given me just a welth of info to work with.i thank you for taking the time to help me out.


I run a 17.5 Lund too and we run 2 riggers, 4 dipsys, and up to 6 boards (depends how many people are along... usually just 4 though).

Dipsys we run wire and 50lb red power pro. Wires are inside and are walker 124's set on 1. Powerpro dipsys are walker 105's set on 3. It works really well, we caught a ton of fish on the dipsys this year.


anyone have any pic's of their small boat setup, i'd like to see the layout. i'm thinking some of the trouble is i dont know were to put everything.i have two big jon captn.pack manual dowriggers and that's it. i'm starting with a clean plate as far as boat setup.


If I could only have 2 lead/copper setups, I'd have a 3 and a 5 color or maybe two 3's but they'd be on linecounter reels and I'd have an assortment of snap weights & torpedo weights to get them down deeper when it was necessary. The linecounter reels help you repeat the setup once you find something that works.


money pit that is a great idea 3 and a 5 it is. i have a box full of torpedo wt's

in my boat now for walleye fishing from 1/2oz and up and i will be getting all linecounter reels to keep the program the same.how much line is let out past the last color before the board is attached?

p:s dave looking forward to seeing the pic's of your boat.thanks for the help!


Here is my small boat setup (17.5 Lund), hopefully you get get the idea. This is more of an August setup, we adjust based on how deep the fish are. Deepest rods go to the inside of the spread and the shallower they run the further up the boat they are. I edited the picture and put red marks on all the rod holders. This is repeated on the other side of the boat. My low diver is up a little since my diver rods are the same length. This makes sure the high diver clears the low diver easily. It took a few years and tangles to get perfected, but we have zero issues now and it works well.



Here is two shots the second one is with the addition of rod trees. The Manual riggers have been changed out also but in the same place. So I can run 4 planer boards on each side , 2 divers , and 2 riggers. The most I have run at one time is 11 . If thats not enough you could always run free or fixed sliders too.




jimcr that is one nice looking boat, great setup!what bases are your down riggers sitting on in pic two.i'm in need of a couple pedestal bases trying to find some good ones,also trying not to break the bank.


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