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I only run a 5 rod spread with a core down the chute. 2 riggers, 300 Cu, braid dipsey, and the full core. I would like to target a rod or two for steelies. What is the best setup to put a steelie in the box? Color and size spoon?

Thanks again, Dave


a 5 color leadcore with a normal size stinger double orange crush spoon seems to work well for steelhead.


Dave, I have done well this year running MI Sunset JP slammer as well on 6 color core, but have REALLY done well running sliders on my riggers. I typically put something orange or a typical dolphin on a slider and have been impressed with the steelie action off of those. I just run a free slider. 6-8 feet of flouro with snap swivels. Attach one end to a lure, one to the downrigger rod's line and let her go. It will slide to where your line bows in the water. In theory half way between ball and surface. I am sure you'll get great advice from the guys here....


ive caught quite a few steelies on my braid diver back 90' on setting 2 with a jawbreaker stinger.


Who carries JP Slammers and BLL's? Also, can I put out 5 colors on my full core if I run it down the chute? I know I can't attach the board to the core.


We use Pro King's, it's green on one side and red on the other with black spots. It's a steelhead killer, we caught a lot of fish on that lure over the past two years. Lake Huron, since there aren't many salmon we run our spoons for steelhead directly on the riggers and low dipseys. We save our core and high lines for walleye.

  No Limit said:
We use Pro King's, it's green on one side and red on the other with black spots. It's a steelhead killer, we caught a lot of fish on that lure over the past two years. Lake Huron, since there aren't many salmon we run our spoons for steelhead directly on the riggers and low dipseys. We save our core and high lines for walleye.

Its called a bumblebee and it works

  Dagwood said:
Who carries JP Slammers and BLL's? Also, can I put out 5 colors on my full core if I run it down the chute? I know I can't attach the board to the core.

JP slammers are carried by VanWieren Hardware on Ottawa Beach Road on the way to the boat launch in Holland or talk to Jimbobber on here (one of the owners). Big Lake Lures are available at Powderhorn Guns on the corner of Ottawa Beach Road and River or on their website or you could contact Luremaker (Larry) on here.


I fish southern Lake Michigan but the Michigan Stinger Goldilocks spoon always seems to do real well for me on either 3 or 5 color. Haven't ran too many other spoons up high for steelhead this time of year because I have confidence this will take steelhead. IMO it's a must have in your box.


We fish steelies a lot this year, I run one size spoon and that's a regular size stinger, my best lures are double orange crush on a gold blade, steelie stomper, dang, green dolphin, craigs xmas and lemon ice. I run these spoons on High and low silde divers,riggers and sliders and lead core


gold coast in port sheldon and mac baits and powderhorn guns in holland have jp slammers.powder horn is on river and douglas and mac baits is by vanwieren hardware on your way to the boat launch on the north side. jimmy


yes u can just run 5 colors behind the boat BUT the lead wont go as deep being higher up and not being farther back like a core fished under... if that makes sense. 2nd for me and more important if i were to target steelies i would want them out on a planer to clear the boat into more "open water".


I can also say the double orange crush spoon did very well for me last year with 10 or 5 color also blue dolphin worked well.Troll fast!!!! 4-5 m.p.h. My best day for steelhead was in November of last year. Had 6 in the boat in 2 hours all over 10lbs. I think it had to do with all the boat traffic out there in November!! :)


On the wisconsin side, black and silver with alot of shine has been great for us in the top 40 feet. The steelies have been packed with alewives. Got 5 on on in about 2 hours last weekend, and they didnt hit the orange or bright color spoons, but sure went after the black,silver and grey.


The double orange crush in any flavor mfr. has been the most consistently productive lure for over 20 years on steelies for me. I like the Yeck, NK, and Stinger. I also insist, as others pointed out, in bumping up that speed to 3-4.5 mph. Riggers can be hot at 6'-25' down most of the time too, 2 to 5 color leadcore way out on a bird/planer. If you want to get higher up, use a keel sinker on plain mono. Great posts here on this thread. P.S. Every once in a while when fish are high, I shoot a red wiggle wart on straight line way down the chute, kills em every time.


I agree with the 5 colors and double orange crush or the blue veggies. Carmel dolphin can also catch the steelies on 5 colors.

Tight Lines!

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