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Got washed out Saturday Morning so I told my son that we would go out on sunday rain or shine. It did both . The rain was short lived and cleared out before we launched but not the fog. Had to stop in the rest room before launching and when I walked out the whole marina was in a shroud of fog and the temp had dropped by 10 degrees. By the time we launched the fog let up some and headed out and set lines in 40 feet heading north east. I figured that the fish would be in shallow with all the cold water , wrong not even bait would show up so we pulled lines and headed north, just passed the filter in 90 feet . Marked a couple or fish so we tried there for a while. Nothing ,no more marks ,no bait. We had so much bait the last few weeks it was everywhere. Now couldn't find any . So we played roller coaster in the swells for a couple of hours and then headed out to deeper pastures . Changed up the spread some and put in the wire diver. after a while it looked like there was a fish on the pole and it didn't' trip. So I grabbed it and checked it yup there is something there , and in one quick jerk as I set the hook? the pole snapped in two. Not only did the pole snap but when it did it broke the line . Check out the picture it didn't break at the tip.It broke just above the splice . And yes the line was free I had just reel down to check for slack. So far no fish and over a 100.00 in the hole . Grab the other wire rod and set it up get it in and it wouldn't make and noise the rest of the trip.


After that I hoped that we would have better luck, well sore of anyway. Port rigger fires and its a drive by . Not long after that the port rigger fires again as I grab it the other rigger fires so I hand off the rod to my son thought we had a double but no dice port rigger was empty , we did bring in one laker off the other.


we turned south for a while and decided to head in , just then 5 color fires and it turns out to be another greaser. Not 5 minutes later 8 color fires but no one is home. We pull rods last one being the one with the Depth probe on it . The sound will stick in my mind for a long time, as I grabbed the probe to pull it in it slips , 12lbs under that . you know what happens. Thats right a trip to the local fishing establishment . One depth raider probe please. *&^%. Cannon ball I have spares. Should have taken out a charter today. Would have been cheaper.

Ended the day 2 for 3 with 2 drive byes.

Had to be one of the most expensive days on the water to date.

Have you ever had one of those days?

Tight Lines Jim


How deep were you when you lost the probe and did you gps the spot? I have a buddy that dives and he's planning a trip soon.

Sorry to hear of your rough trip. I've had days like that just not that expensive.

  Salmon Assassin said:
How deep were you when you lost the probe and did you gps the spot? I have a buddy that dives and he's planning a trip soon.

Sorry to hear of your rough trip. I've had days like that just not that expensive.

No Gps numbers do have the trails though, we were in 120-130ft.


Okuma will replace the rod , but I can t' get them on the phone right now. Already have the new probe.


Sorry to here about the probe.

Just to ask. Which okuma rod is that? I have one also that broke while fighting a 8# coho, that broke two foot down. Had another one last year that broke the same way just only 6in. down.

  fuzzy said:
Sorry to here about the probe.

Just to ask. Which okuma rod is that? I have one also that broke while fighting a 8# coho, that broke two foot down. Had another one last year that broke the same way just only 6in. down.

The rod that broke was the wire rod , Blue Diamond MH 8'6"

All Okuma rods are warranted for 1 year.

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