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hello all....

after recently buying a 1995 sea nymph ( which I absolutly love) and have been cleaning it up.. I am having trouble cleaning the carpet. It has a green moss growing. and will not clean up. I have gotten some of it but the majority is still there ...this can not be the only boat for this to happen in.. anybody have an idea how to get rid of it short of pulling up the carpet. thanks in advance for any help....Harry


If you have moss growing, then you need to kill it, kinda like mold. A strong solution of bleach and water in a squirt bottle will do the trick. If it keeps growing after that, then the carpet needs to go...

  UBDSLO1 said:
If you have moss growing, then you need to kill it, kinda like mold. A strong solution of bleach and water in a squirt bottle will do the trick. If it keeps growing after that, then the carpet needs to go...

Also I don't know how bad the MOSS is, but maybe in the off time I would pull the carpet and check the floor, wet wood under carpet not good.

Good luck, My 2 cents worth


Mix 1/4 to 1/2 oz. powdered copper sulfate with 10 gallons of water.i got some at agards lawn and garden in muskegon but i would think tractor supply and stores like that would have some


I had the same problem on a pontoon boat a few years back... killed it with bleach but it came back. After getting tired of it, I pulled the carpet and the wood was punky and wet. That was the problem. After redoing the boat, put vinyl down and absolutely love it.


The fatherinlaw had a 1995 185 sea nymph a few years ago.he loved that boat and we fished all over michigan in it.she never let us down but the one thing he said he didn't like about it was the carpet.a few years ago he said he wanted a boat with a cuddy and would take a little more water so she had to go but that's a awesome boat.

That being said I agree with the other guys you should pull the carpet back and look for soft wood.


I get moss and mold on my pontoon boat too. I use a mixture of bleach and water and hit it with a power washer. It cleans it up nice.


vinyl? didnt know that was an option..you have any details? where to get..price etc....any help greatly welcomed


I want to know who the smart guy was that thought carpet was a good idea to put in fishing boats? Geez. Carpet is such a pain. I clean my carpet at least three times a season and it's always filthy after 3 or 4 trips.

I haven't dealt with moss, but I've used diluted Simple Green in a bucket with a scrub brush with great success. Scrub it down a few times and rinse it until there are no bubbles. It got worm dirt, goose poop, fish blood, coffee stain and chew spit out of the carpet.


to all ....thanks for all the help.. I think im gonna try bleach water mix till end of season then rip up the carpet and put down vinyl.....you guys are great

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