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Lost a lot of gear last couple years due to line breaks. Wondering what knots guys use.

What are you using for your leaders and what knots are you tying. Palomar knot was killing me as was standard fishermans knot on mono. Thinking about the Trilene knot this year.

For leadcore to leader Willis or Albright?

I was going to change my dipsys to braid this year. Question? Tying braid direct to dipsy or using some sort of leader.


For tying swivels on I always use a palomar knot, I have use the trilene knot in the past but I like the palomar better.

For the leadcore go with the willis knot, its easy to tie and will not fail.

Yes, you can tie your braid directly to the dipsy or use a swivel, assuming you are talking about your main line. Anything behind the dipsy should be leader material.

It seems odd that you are breaking off that often, make sure your line is in good condition and always try to lubricate your knots before puling them tight. What # test and brand of line have you been using?


mono #30 trilene xl for dipsys.... just bought #50 power pro to put on those.

Mono #20 trilene xl for downriggers, bought some new #25 and #30 mono to replace those. trilene biggame new line.

I have been using the #30 mono for leaders as well but thinking about buying some flourocarbon.

Any suggestions appreciated.


Never had good luck with XL, big game for me. Palomar, uni, willis and albright haven't failed me in years, but I do retie way more then most I bet. Every weeklong trip I retie everything. If your Palomar is failing it's you, thats one of the strongest knots out there. I had problems with XL knot strength even with alot of spit.


Palomar knot, the strongest knot. I would check your line if you breaking it.

Always check for abrasion on your line and change it if its frayed at all.

119 fish last year not one line broke. Old line can go bad.


I use the uni knot for everything mono. Never had any issues with it and I can tie it super fast blind folded and hand cuffed.


I use the Trilene knot just because it's the only one that I can remember how to tie. I have knot dyslexia. The other knot I can tie is the Willis. That one is made for people like me who can't tie knots. I've never had either one fail. If it matters I use 15# and 20# Ande on my riggers. I also use the Trilene knot on braid. Just wrap it around a few more times and you're good to go.


I'm thinking we were probably burning up our line by not lubricating it enough while tying. You could see the mono stretch a bit and starting to fray.

Sounds like I need to go back to the Palomar knot, especially with the new braid.

I still need to buy some flourocarbon, sounds like #20 for leadcore leads and then #40 for f/f leads dipseys etc.

Sound about right?

  drathaar907 said:
I'm thinking we were probably burning up our line by not lubricating it enough while tying. You could see the mono stretch a bit and starting to fray.

Sounds like I need to go back to the Palomar knot, especially with the new braid.

I still need to buy some flourocarbon, sounds like #20 for leadcore leads and then #40 for f/f leads dipseys etc.

Sound about right?

You can go with 20#, but I like 30# for core/copper leader.


Big game and palomar knot for swivels and tying jplugs direct.

Albright for copper

willis for lead core

for joining mono to braid i use the albright or uni to uni.


It was always my understanding that XL is used mostly for casting, it's XL designation means extra limp. Contrary is Berkeleys XT designation, meaning extra tough. This is what I use, and many others for trolling/great lakes fishing. It's an extra tough line to break and gives alot under stress. Nowthen, there are knots galore to use, but keep in mind, any knot on a line that is old, worn, sun stressed, bleached, will not hold up. Make sure to retie all your rod lines about every third trip out or more often as needed. And make sure to store the rods inside where sunlight can't burn the line to weaken it, or put reel covers on them when not in usage. If the same line has been on the reel for over 2-3 seasons, it's time to change the entire reel. Al Sousin is a great believer in using the right knot for the right setup, check his website out. He's saltwater, but has alot of valuable tips, and even wrote a book on knots.


I was suprised when the Knot wars people compared the Palomar knot with the Trilene knot and found they were both equal on mono and flouro, the Palomar did edge out the Trilene on braid though to give it the strongest overall rating between the two.


The improved clinch is a sound knot if wetted adequately. I use big game 20 and haven't lost any gear in three years.


Trilene knot here. Never realy gave any other knot a wirl using mono.

My problem is using the trilene not with 50# mono. Just a pain.


I'm new here, but I thought I would share. I use the uni knot on all mono, and used to use the blood knot for leadcore. I recently went to the Albright for lead and copper, as I think it's just as strong as a blood knot, and much easier to tie.

  Nailer said:
I also use the Palomar knot for all connections to swivels. I use the Albright knot for leadcore.

Exact same program here too. I use Trilene big game 20lb for riggers. Good line at an inexpensive price. I get it at Walmart.


trying not to sound like an a--hole but maby you just need to back your drag off just alittle. it dont hurt to let them run in open water. if your using freash line you shouldnt be having line brakes with those lb test lines. i,ve used 8 lb line in the spring for coho fishing. but when a king would hit it just took to long to land the fish. didnt have any brakes on it. had to use a very light drag.

your going to love the braid line for your divers, its the only way to go. i tie to the diver. i even use the lite bite slide diver. i use it just like the others, i just like the trigger on the lite bites. and i use 20 lb floro for my leader.

as for knots i,ve always used the improved clinch for mono and braid. just a few extra twists for braid. it works good for me.

hope you get everything worked out. those line brakes have to take alot of the fun out of your fishing. have a great season.



I use polomer knots on all my swivels. Albright knot on my copper. I do not know what the name of the knot I use on lead core. I make a large loop in the leadcore, feed some lead out and remove about three inches, feed the mono into the sleeve and the work my loop down to the end of lead core where the mono is and I pull it tight. Small knot and it doesnt fail. I do check my lines every time I send them out for burrs or knicks. Retie if I feel anthing. I also let the fish run with light drags. I like them wore out when they get close to my boat.


San Diego Jam Knot (also known as a reverse clinch knot) is what I use for rigger rods with 12 or 20 Big Game. Grandpa tought me this knot 30 years ago and I use it on all mono connections. Rarely ever breaks even with 4# leader for steelies in the river. Always lubricate any knot you choose to use and ALWAYS test the knot before putting it out. Most knots involve a "wrap" of some sort, and if you get a little lazy you might end up with an overlap somewhere which greatly reduces the knot strength. A quick "pull check" will find this problem.

Polomar knot for braid is usually a pretty safe bet and hard to screw up.

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