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Took the kids out for the shake down out of Lexington this morning and tried something new: I usually get them up at 4am or so, drive the almost 2 hours to Lexington, and fish...usually with the kids up front in the boat sleeping! So this time I towed the boat with the motor home last night, slept nearby, then we all slept in a little and put in...MUCH better!

Anyway, seems like everything wasn't working, new gps won't use old maps, radio didn't want to work, boat main battery doesn't hold a "good" charge, etc...but we managed 2 coho anyway, in 15 feet of water, on silver long rapala minnow types trolled at 2.2 mph. Seems like everyone on the water caught at least 2 coho.

Oh, and there was some kind of "incident" going on, but I don't know what...several Coast Guard boats, border patrol on shore with binocs, sheriff boats, dnr...there were about 4x more law enforcement boats than fisherman, but none of them would tell us what was up other than "something big". We were boarded by the Coast Guard...TWICE! I'm in law enforcement myself, but that was just a pain. Maybe we are about to be invaded by Canada.


Nice job Tim! I always enjoyed spending the night on the boat and fishing in the morning instead of getting up at 4am and driving for 1.5 hours.

  GLF said:
Nice job Tim! I always enjoyed spending the night on the boat and fishing in the morning instead of getting up at 4am and driving for 1.5 hours.

I dont know about u guys but the night before i dont hardly sleep im so excited :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:lol

  mattmishler said:
I dont know about u guys but the night before i dont hardly sleep im so excited :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:lol

Yea, I can relate to that! I usually sleep good the next night though!


Seen your motorhome and trailer down there this morning! Glad you had fun. I think Border patrol and coast guard are going to be a bit of a pain all year this year. There's been a big drug smuggling ring out of Canada hitting our shores. They did a drug drop at nearby Sandusky airport and they nabbed the car doing the pickup out on the runway. After all the investigations have been said and done, they found out they have been doing drops north of Lexington, around Port Sanilac and what not. I guess a couple tried to get away and they finally apprehended them in Alpena. I figured this would happen. I told my husband that the one day when we pulled into Lexington Heights and out on the high banks sat a border patrol with his binoculars scanning the horizon. Hopefully after they see you a couple times, they'll leave us alone.


Thank you for the report. I almost went out today but couldn't get myself to go!

Was it rough out there with that ENE Wind? What was the water clarity and temp? Matt


I don't know water clarity or temp as I wasn't out there fishing, but the lake was BEAUTIFUL this morning. That wind didn't kick up til later. The first thing I thought was "Damn work anyways" I wanted to be out there so bad!

  det07 said:
Thank you for the report. I almost went out today but couldn't get myself to go!

Was it rough out there with that ENE Wind? What was the water clarity and temp? Matt

It wasn't rough at all, even though it was windy with an ENE wind...water was VERY cloudy...infact the most cloudy I've ever seen there! Temp was 38 degrees or so.

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