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well I got a call from a couple of my cousins Saterday afternoon that were in town from North Dekota and said the would like it if I would take them fishin Sunday morning , well as many of you no , If someone asks I very seldom say no.

Well after a late start do to a few extra barly pops Saterday nite trying to catch up on old times , we finaly left the dock around 6:45 and headed for the same waters as the day before and started to pick, but had to come in around 10 after one of the crew started looking over the side of the boat and thought he needed to do a little chumming,.

We ended to morning going 10 for 12 with 5 kings and 5 trout, 3 of witch were under sized.

Heres the list of steups that worked and a pic. of the catch.

  1. 10" white glow spin dr. and pickled sunshine fly out 150 on a wire diver on 2
  2. big d.w. paddle in a blue bubble glow with matching fly on a wire diver out 175 on 2
  3. green dolphin pro troll and green mist sigs rig on a braid diver out 225 on 2
  4. big white paddle and purpal marage fly 100 down on a rigger
  5. and a double glow with a black ladder back silver hoard on a 12 color


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