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hi everyone i'm bob teachout (fishinmachine )my buddy and i from work started a fennville chapter of hunters helping kids the only michigan chapter .our goal is to get kids back outdoors get them hunting and fishing .we are having a banquet on may 1 at 6 pm at the silo in allegan we are having this banquet to raise money to beable to take kids out hunting and fishing there will be auctions and raffles for guns ,bows,golf packages,and spa package for the ladies you can contact me for tickets at 616 218 4053 or nate at 616 283 8880 we will be stopping ticket sales on the 20 of april we have to give the silo a count for meals meal will be prime rib or chicken .tickets are 40 per person or 70 for a couple and 15 for kids thank you Bob teachout (HHK)

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