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My was hands down the moonshine sarge in the spring it was hot in the reg size. In the summer and fall it was HOT in the mags i counted it up i bought over 12 moonshine sarges. The fish liked them so much they wanted to take it with them. This was one of those spoons that i could put down a catch fish on it about everytime.


After seeing all your reports last year catching fish on Sarge spoons I went and picked one up. I only got to run it for one trip but it was one of our best spoons that trip. As far as the entire season goes a mag Flounder Pounder on a SWR did the most dammage for us.

Posted (edited)
  mattmishler said:
In the summer and fall it was HOT in the mags i counted it up i bought over 12 moonshine sarges. The fish liked them so much they wanted to take it with them.

Ouch! You might want to consider some heaver/better quality line? or different knot. i use this knot (Palomar) for all the terminal connections with great results.

By fare any moonshine spoon is a go to when it's low light.

Double Trouble is a good one for us.

Edit, You talked me into two of them Matt. JoAnn wanted to go to Gander, and I couldn't help myself.

Edited by Nailer

i know you prolly want one but its a toss up for me between...m.s flounder pounder..m.s happee meal...and m.s double trouble...maybe happee meal edging them out but prolly cus i tend to run it more...does anyone have a problem with the paint coming off in chunks on the hook end around the snap ring?

  nailer said:
Ouch! Maby you should get some heaver/better quality line? or different knot. i use this knot (Palomar) for all the terminal connections with great results.

By fare any moonshine spoon is go to when it's low light.

Double Trouble is a good one for us.

THe kings liked to hunt out the low wire divers and the rigger cables. I do tie the palomar knot and i was running 20lbs flo and i was checkin for nicks in the line every fish. Must of had some bad jewjew on the boat. it was werid i was catchin 4 year olds they wouldnt fight untill about 80 feet from the boat then they would go crazy and try to go everywhere.


yeah the paint does chip off but i think that was with the older spons i picked up the new 09s and they didnt really chip of and i tend to take alot of fish on mooshines.


I super glowed some Yellow Tails. I like them a lot.

When the action heats up, I run a lot of Glow Js in low light conditions. Play it just right and you'll be on shore eating breakfast before 8:00 AM.:)


wonder bread was my hot spoon,didnt seem to matter if morning afternoon or evening we caught salmon, lake trout, and alot of small 1ft long fish on this 5 inch spoon as well some 15lbs up. I ran wonderbread on riggers and divers but they seemed to like the lead core best? Last season i only ran 1 full lead core rod this year ill be running 2 and 2half core lines.Didint have alot of luck with downriggers last year? I upgraded to Captian packs electric, cant wait to get to use these!!


Man with all of this moonshine talk ,this is going to sound ODD.

My number one spoon was a silver steak anacondo , number 2 silver streak dimond back, and number 3 was a stingray area 51.

Dont get me wrong, i ran moonshines in most colors and cought fish on them, but those 2 silver streaks cought fish every day, all day, i ran them from mid may till i was forsed to quit.

  mattmishler said:
terry how long do the silver streaks glow.

I think it is close to 8 hours , Tangled mess would be the guy to ask about that , but i think the package said 8 hr glow.


Mine were JP Slammers,#1 glow fire dog and #2 beef eater#3 killer green glow!I ran 3 glow fire dogs every time out in September because they were so hot for us. Jimbobber

  KJ pluggin said:
Have any of you tried the MS half moon series? What do you think of them?

I love the Half Moon seires as well. They are a bit lighter and a bit thinner so they definatly have a different action. I use them a lot at Lake Trout speeds no problem. The "Half-a-meal" is my favorite.


For salmon: MS Bullz -Eye, Happee Meal and V-Neck.

For walleye: MS Glow Purple nose and JJ Mac Muffin. Copper backs.


I don't really have a favorite, cause I haven't been fishin that long to develop a system... BUT...... At the fishing show I ran into these two old guys selling spoons and flashers.....They use tape to decorate them and I bought 5 for 22.00 dollars... they are great looking and I belive they will catch some fish... I'm not advertising but here's their name, they aren't online at all I have their DVD of different lures they have available.... I'm going to try to upload the pages if possible tot this site.... Mike... Is that ok with you, I'm not affiliated with them at all and not trying to sell for them, just getting these awesome looking spoons out there ofr GLF....???


stingray pink panties,day or night,spring,summer and fall.most consistant producer for us 3 years running and allways run as the deepest presentation.moonshine v neck second.

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