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Most of you have probably seen my signature( :cool: I have something cooking for 2010! :cool:) for the last couple of months. 2010 is now here, so, I will end the suspense and give everyone an inside scoop on what I have cooking.

I have been working on a project that I am very excited about. I am so committed to this new project, that I will not be running the GLFTT this season. Dont worry, I have someone else in place to run it, and the GLFTT will be back for the 2010 season!

So what am I working on???


I am building an online Great Lakes Fisherman TV show! The shows will consist of salmon fishing, with a mix of walleye fishing mixed in. I will be filming 15-20 shows per season. Shows will be filmed on all of the Great Lakes, in various states, ports and at different times of the year. In addition to the shows, I will also be filming lots of video tutorials.

I have been working on the website for a couple of months, and was hoping to have it completed by now. Unfortunately, I do not have it finished.

The holidays are over now, and I hope to get things wrapped up soon.


So Mike can I get your autograph while it's still cheap and will the rate go up to fish on your boat :D:D:D I think it's a good idea to show the good fishery we have I think it often gets overlooked

  ALLEYES said:
Very cool ! If you want to film a walleye trip let me know....

I may take you up on this.

  KJ pluggin said:
Sounds like a great idea. Are you planning on shooting the episodes yourself or are you going to hire out crews to do your videography?

My goal is to have 3 HD cameras on the boat for each show. Two of them will be at fixed locations on the boat. There will be a camera person with me for the filming, and I will do the video editing.

  Priority1 said:
Another Mort Neff in the making.:lol: GL with this new exciting venture.:)

wow frank..i would have thought fred trost would be going back a ways..but mort neff ..thats really going back:lol:


Wow! Good luck with this exciting endeavor Mike. Those salmon fishing episodes would be a welcome addition to the TV fare during a way too long winter season.


Good luck with this Mike, I hope it works out well for you. Some good ice fishing is starting up, and there's some good steelheading to be done too. Won't be long and it's time for spring browns. Boy, the options we have in the great lakes is huge.


Mike this sounds great... hoping you a great success on this journey.. I can second the motion or a show in Ludington...let me know and I'll really give the boat a good vaccumming.


Awesome Mike!!!

Can't wait to tune in!!! You need any help along the way

there are lots of willing and able members aboard, including myself.

good luck:D:D

  fishsniffer said:
sorry mike..no cameras allowed on my boat...some pretty top secret stuff going on there..cant be havin it leakin out:cool:

i cant take the chance of someone seeing our knock the fish off after you just battled it on a 15 color for 20 min. trick:grin:

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