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im sure we have all had this problem in the past...you bring someone on youre boat take them fishing let them catch the fish let them keep the fish and they dont offer you nothing nor show much appreciation...ive had people ask me to go then dont show up,complain the whole time offer no gas or help preparing the boat...or putting the boat away...i love to fish and need help so i keep bringing them....well at south haven i brought fishsniffer2 and andy kauranen..and they were perfect crewman,we all got along we had fun and they contribute...if its not gas its lures orhelp with the boat or help setting lines and taking them down...i am looking forward to a fun year becouse of this...they both love to fish and have a willingness to learn...which takes a little pressure off me when they might hear something or suggest something that will work...so just taking a minute to thank the guys that will be with me this year and looking forward to getting back on the water:)


My crew is my kids, and they are great with helping to set lines, steer and clean the boat up at home. Now if they would just get a job and help pay for gas. lol

  Priority1 said:
Don, When you invite other boat owners and fishermen, they know what it takes in prep time and $ to put a trip together.:)

Amen. Often just swapping trips with others for gas but i always try to help with lines and such. Takes alot o time to get everything set just on the little Nee Hi. Always best to have good company.:D Is it sunday yet with fish on the rod.:grin:


I know exactly what you mean. Get up at 3:30 get stuff ready hook up the boat then 4:30 5:30 6 am crawl back in bed and still never get a friggin phone call till two days later. needless to say i have never invited him again. I have also had the guy that wants to go never offers anything and wants a ton of fish . He hasn't been invited again either even though he begs to go back out. i dont expect something every time out but it is nice to offer.


It's a lot of work rigging the boat and then taking care of everything after the trip. I strip my down, including the riggers after each trip. I can see why people take the chance and leave their gear sitting out all the time.

Last year, marina gas was over $4.50 per gallon. Boats do not run for free. The bigger the boat, the bigger the expense.


Last year I ate pretty much all the expenses for every trip my wife was adding up how much I spent and asked how much my friends kicked in when I told her she pointed out they could fish on another boat. So I began a crew search and have a few guys to fish with I don't know if I will end up with a regular crew or just fish with everyone a few times. But I will be fishing with a few guys off this site this year and will see if things work out. Being out of work now for 6 months has just about ruined my fishing budget so I am working on getting the boat ready to go and I hope to do a shake down next Sat or Sun and get ready for Mikes and Paulies tournies to get started for the season.


Boys, I think that we have all been in this circumstance at one time or another. It took a long time to find a reliable crew to fish and help with expenses. Usually I have 3 friends who pick up the fuel cost and I pick up the rest. Some even add a few bucks to cover lost lures and such. Some bring their own tackle, which is appreciated.

One fellow who fished with me had to be woken up to catch a ride. Then I rang the doorbell once. Then I kept on driving if his lights were not on! After that I had a steady crew.

More recently, I now fish alone, rather than put up with the BS.

Sometimes the solitude of fishing by yourself is priceless!:):grin:


I don't have a autopilot yet so fishing by myself is pretty much out in my boat. All I really expect is to be on time and ready to go fishing help with gas would be great. Cause when the tank is empty the boat will stay on the trailer. I had a friend offer to fill my boat last year so we stoped at the gas docks after a long day of fishing. Well it took 33 gal at 4.89 a gal his eyes rolled back when the girl handed him the bill. So I suggested we just split it and he promptly agreed. I handed the girl my credit card and he gave me a wad of cash that I counted later 70 bucks so that was cool. Honestly I don't think very many of our friends have a clue how much this costs. But most of us go without other things to be able to fish like this I drive a 10 year old truck cause it pulls the boat and is paid for we don't own a big screen HD TV. My other hobbies get put on hold during fishing season I am willing to trade a great sunset fishing with my wife or friends and family over dinner and a movie any day. So what if I don't see the movie till it is a rerun or one of my friends loans me their DVD.


It's tough taking other out. I never expect to get a penny in return fore the $100's I spend. A perfect example was last year on the way home from Muskegon. The guy I invited flips me a $20 at the gas station, to help cover cost. The reality was, for me it cost $50 for fuel alone in the truck plus the boat.

Most do not have an Idea how much it cost to go out.

I am lucky, I have the means to pay for it. I love being out there so much that the cost is a bargain (even if it's all on me)


i guess im kinda lucky here, i have only ever had 1 or 2 people never offer to help out .

ive fished with a lot of members here and other freinds ,and can count on one hand the number of times that i was not offerd help with expense

and the ones that did'nt, made up for it the next time.

but normaly i only want 10 dollars becouse the dog only burn about 15 dollars {7 to 8 gal}on the average trip with gas prices at the going rate of around 2 bucks a gallon.

and the fuel in the truck would have been used for some thing else if i wasn't fishing


What most people don't even think about is the misc. prep time and $. I spend between one and two hrs, checking rigs, re-tying, checking rods, and getting bait together. As far as physical help, unless the person has fished with you almost exclusively, most stuff is better done by yourself. Some things will take you an hour to do yourself, and two if you have help. When I'm hitching up, and doing the last minute checks, I'd rather no one interrupt me.

On the other hand, once you have things lined out, it's nice to have that hand handing things up on the boat, and running for last minute stuff. This only amounts to about 5 minutes tops, but with out the help it will take longer.

I used to fish alone sometimes, but for safety reasons I don't do it anymore. I will not leave port with out at least one other adult onboard.

  DIRTY DOG said:
i guess im kinda lucky here, i have only ever had 1 or 2 people never offer to help out .

ive fished with a lot of members here and other freinds ,and can count on one hand the number of times that i was not offerd help with expense

and the ones that did'nt, made up for it the next time.

but normaly i only want 10 dollars becouse the dog only burn about 15 dollars {7 to 8 gal}on the average trip with gas prices at the going rate of around 2 bucks a gallon.

and the fuel in the truck would have been used for some thing else if i wasn't fishing

Im on the oppistie end of the spectrum. Like Nailer said it is $100 a trip no matter how you slice it. Gas for the boat, Gas for the truck, Boat launch fee not to mention somone always looses one of your riggs. if it is a rigger its 5 to 10 dollers if it a dipsey or a core or copper then those who dont do this dont realize that your into it for another 50 to 75. Ive been out twice this year and have not recieved a dime for my trouble. I have people wanting to go out all the time but when it comes time to anty up then they get fecle corn count in there wallets. I belive Mooskey is the only partner I have had that always pitches in. but there again he has a boat and knows what it cost.

I actuall had a guy invite himself out. He helped with driving my boat while I ran the back. caught fish and then said to me I drove the boat so I should not have to donate gas money. He has never been on my boat again. This is an ongoing battle from year to year. When those same people ask me to take them out I tell them they are better off taking a charter.

I find the only ones that are willing to anty up are fellow fishermen that are boat owners.


This is a very good topic and subject. We were discussing it last week after our trip to South Haven. We had 3 guys that all own their own boats. We all took turns rigging, driving and doing miscellaneous tasks. Everyone brought food or drinks to share. At the end of the day the other 2 guys tried to give me gas money, but it was to much. I figured it took 1 tank of gas for my truck. So about $40. I took $20 from one guy, I payed for my share, and we used the 3rd guys boat so I told him if he covered the boat gas we were even. Seemed fair to me and everyone agreed. When I take people out I expect them to chip in for expenses. Not pay for everything, but chip in. Usually $20 for gas is plenty. I think that $20 for a day of fishing is cheap. When I am out with fellow fisherman I usually try to split costs evenly, we usually trade trips or decide on an amount at the beginning of the year. My friends and I have a 2 hour drive everytime we go so gas is a little more expensive for us. When I am fishing with friends or relatives that I owe a favor to for help I refuse money, explaining that I owed them. But it is nice to offer. Some of my friends always over-pay. Sometimes I find money stashed in my truck on the way home. Needless to say they are always at the top of the list when looking for a crew. I never accept money for kids. They fish free on my boat. And I don't expect people to cover the cost of broken or lost equipment, I figure it is the price of fishing. Overall I have had good experiences with my crews and they are always changing. I have a different crew for the first 2 tourneys this year and am lining up a different one for the third. Looking forward to another great season, pick up the new boat in 5 days:D


I agree with your approach.at least gas is cheaper this year! p.s. i found the poles and stakes that go with my tent!LOL! THANKS AGAIN NICK!


For the most part I have had real good luck with crews. I have asked for riders on this site and MS. I have also swapped a few trips. Swapping trips is a good way to get acquainted with some other fishermen, their area, and pick up some different techniques. If you have never done a trip swap, consider it. All of mine have been positive experiences.

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