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Hi I would like to get two okuma reels spooled with lead for dipsy,s any idea who I could trust in my area to do this right.My son and I are new at this and could really use help and advise on this set-up. thanks


Kevin, I would use 40# Power Pro for dipsy's and have some 20# mono backing put on them. Tackle Haven in Benton Harbor does a good job. They can also set you up with a lead core rig for your boards.


Kevin, Welcome!

For divers use the Okuma Convectors CV30D (great reel for the money)

Like Tom said 40 pound Power Pro, or any Braid will do. I've had troubles with Fire Line breaking in the past, so use Braid.

Gander sells the them for as cheep as any one.

You may find the cheaper on line. FishDog.com may have a combo for you.

I've herd good things about them.http://www.fishdogcompany.com/servlet/StoreFront

Buy the way, Lead core is not used for divers.



thanks for the help my son and I are new at this still learning we have the convector 45dx reels no boards two penn manual riggers maybe we'll get a ride sometime with somebody and get some experience


Kevin, I agree with Tom. Stick with the braided lines on the Dipsies. I use about 500' of 35#Gorilla braid with the 20# mono backer. I've never seen the knot. If you have two reels spool the first one backwards, Braid first then mono until it's full. Keep track of your line counter. Then transfer to your second reel. Put the same amount of mono backer on the first reel then braid and your all set. I agree with Tom on the lead core also. Best thing I did was get my first core rod all rigged up. Have the tackle shop show you the Willis knot for attaching mono to core. This is a real easy knot to tie and has never failed on me. I have since switched out my leader section from mono to 20# flourocarbon line. I think I get more hits. Good luck.

  nailer said:
Kevin, Welcome!

For divers use the Okuma Convectors CV30D (great reel for the money)

Like Tom said 40 pound Power Pro, or any Braid will do. I've had troubles with Fire Line breaking in the past, so use Braid.

Gander sells the them for as cheep as any one.

You may find the cheaper on line. FishDog.com may have a combo for you.

I've herd good things about them.http://www.fishdogcompany.com/servlet/StoreFront

Buy the way, Lead core is not used for divers.


I found that Fishdog will put together about whatever you want at a good price. Just ask.


ken said it like it is , also lake shore outfitters in saugatuck has the largest selectoin of okuma reels in the area at a very good price , and aron will be able to answer any questoin you have

Posted (edited)

The guys at fishdogco have always taken very good care of me. Another suggestion would be the outdoorsman in jenison. I bought a couple of cv45's with a full cores already set up for around 45 a piece at the end of last summer

Edited by dcralston

A very warm welcome to you Kevin. There is good advice above, so I get to keep my 2 cents.:D Let us know if we can help in any way. If you get a chance introduce yourself in the welcome section. Again, WELCOME ABOARD.:)

  Kevin Gibson said:
Hi I would like to get two okuma reels spooled with lead for dipsy,s any idea who I could trust in my area to do this right.My son and I are new at this and could really use help and advise on this set-up. thanks

Usually diver rods/reels are spooled with mono, superline, or wire line.

Lead core is not used with dipsey divers. Lead core is another very effective presentation for catching fish.

Stop by Lakeshore Outfitters in Saugatuck, and Aaron will get you all set up.


Kevin if you want to have your reels spooled up you can go to Al & Bobs on division or to the Outdoorsmen in Jenison. Both of those shops are well stocked and knowledgable on Big Lake fishing. Also Riley's hardware on Michigan has a pretty good sporting goods shop in the basement. I don't know how much early fishing is going to be in my budget this year but I usually have room for a couple more on the boat. Or perhaps we can get together on your boat and I can go with you and show you things you can do on your boat. Cause unless you have deep pockets going out and seeing some of the setups a lot of us run may not help as much as learning how to catch fish with what you have. There are several of us here who have more invested in fishing tackle then some guys have in their boat. Also you and your son might be interested in some of the smaller tournaments that are here like Mikes tournaments which are geared to be fun first. Mike runs a league style tourny out of Muskegon and was planningon doing multiple ports he also is putting together a 1 day challange tourny here is a link to it http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12827 there is also a Dreamweaver Challange that many on this site fish in and here is a link to that.

http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12903 . Both of these are fun events and your entrance fee gets you a bag of lures and you must fish with what is in the bag. Often the lure bag is worth as much as the entry fee and no Pros are allowed so everyone has a chance to win. Though my personal goal is to win all of them this year. LOL When you get to know some of us you will find that we all have a few things we keep to ourselves but everyone shares a lot of good info here. One thing you might consider is letting us know what boat and gear you currently have and then we can better determine what you might want or need to have more fun catching fish. Also what port do you plan on fishing out of?

Tight Lines and welcome



Kevin, you may want to get a couple of wire dipsy sets or at a minimum one wire and one power pro. I don't run power pro anymore. The wire seems to catch the majority of fish for me.

A Convector CV30D holds a 1000' spool of 30# 7 strand nicely. Any dipsy rod will work, I use roller rods with twilly tips but a lot of people use standard rod with or w/o a twilly.



Thanks for all your help 1Maniac maybe we'll figure something out I have an 18ft deepV with 2 penn625 manual downriggers on the side two rod holders each side three holders in the back am hoping to add a planer each side 2 penn rod reel combo 5 okuma magna pro 45 combos all mono


I second what Maniac/jim said go to outdoorsman in jenison they will help you out. i deal with them for most everything, and they are 11 seconds from my house. Where are you located in grand rapids?

  Kevin Gibson said:
Thanks for all your help 1Maniac maybe we'll figure something out I have an 18ft deepV with 2 penn625 manual downriggers on the side two rod holders each side three holders in the back am hoping to add a planer each side 2 penn rod reel combo 5 okuma magna pro 45 combos all mono

If you buy a mew reel get the Convectors over the Magna's, Okuma changed the design recently, and made the handles much nicer.


Kevin, I like them Penn Riggers. I can see the numbers on the depth counter 10 feet away. I spoke with people from other rigger manufacturers suggesting they put counters on their riggers that are bigger than the ones we have on our LC reels. I have some ancient electric Cannons on my rig. They came with the boat.:)

  1 MAINIAC said:
The funny thing is frank my riggers have the same counters they came with years ago they just seem to get smaller each year. LOL

I can still see the line counters, but man are they making that hole smaller on the hook?

  1 MAINIAC said:
The funny thing is frank my riggers have the same counters they came with years ago they just seem to get smaller each year. LOL

Aint it the truth.:) LMAO

I always did like the Penn rigger counters especially in low light. Anyone that has ever used them knows exactly what I mean.


I agree about Jenison Sport shop , or try AL n Bobs on Division street, But gander mtn also sets up poles. I would suggest no less than 25lbs min. I run 40 on all my poles as i dont want to loose any gear and last year the salmon were Averaging 15lbs.If you are in G.R. I assume you will be fishing muskegion and Holland so i would suggest looking that area up in phone book and finding a tackel shop and also why there they can get you going in right direction on gear and tackel.If you are new to salmon fishing only use coast lock type swivels,cheap ones just wont hold up to salmon and if it lets go while trolling you can easy loose $10-15 in gear as well, this is not an area to be cheap.Braids are the way to go as line diamater is smaller and lake Mi is getting very clear. Good luck


I have bought a lot from the Outdoorsmen got both of my copper setups from there well one was a gift from there but I bought the second one to match it. Great guys and good selection of gear to choose from.

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