GLF Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 My wife had the day off work today, so I went out back to cut some wood. I had some trees that were broke in half about 20' in the air. I cut the first one down without incident. After I cut the second one(24" tree), I gave it a push to get it going. Where the tree was broken, 20' in the air, it broke in half and came down and hit me. This just glanced off the side of me and knocked me to the ground. I was in extreme pain.After laying on the ground for a couple of minutes, I realized I could move my feet. This was a good sign. I managed to get back to me feet, hobbled back to my truck and drove back up to the house. Once inside, I told my wife we need to go to the emergency room.After spending 3 hours in the emergency room, getting x-rays on my knee, ankle, a crt on my lower back, and they aslo scanned for internal damages, I got to go home.I was very lucky! 1' further over, and there is a good chance I would not be here. I have one broken rib, and 3 fractured transverse process bones. Looks like I will be sore for the next 6 weeks. I will not be taking the boat to St. Joseph this spring like I wanted to.
Losin Lures Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 You may not get to fish St Joseph Mike, but you still get to hug your kids and kiss your wife tonight and for a while longer. The Joe will be there next year and hopefully so will you.
Nailer Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Your story is not the only one I've heard that happen. Cutting dead trees is always dangerous. I wish you well in your recovery.
Mike Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Tree cutting is a science. Good thing you are only sore, get well soon and take it easy for a bit.
csootsman Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Glad your ok. 2yrs ago I was cutting wood and had the saw kick back and I ended up with 50 stitches just above my knee. If ya want to fish the Joe this spring give me a shout, Boat will be in 2nd week of april.
1mainiac Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Mike glad to hear you are OK. I have spent thousands of hours with a chainsaw in my hand and no injuries can't say that for my friends. As Mike in Ontario said I will add felling trees is 1 part Science 1 part Skill and 1 part Luck. I have been Smart Skillful and Lucky a long time and I have a healty respect for the weight of Oak and other trees. I saw a guy get killed a long time ago so I learned early on to tripple chk my escape route and to watch every chip as it come off the saw. A small wind change can be bad I left a running saw in a tree when the wind changed direction on me and I sat on a hill nearby for a couple hours waiting for the wind to change when it did the tree came right down where I wanted it but the saw was toast.Good luck and heal fast my friend there is a lot of fishing ahead.
Rayman96 Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Well there Mike, you are very fortunate to be alive to tell about it. The type of trees you describe, in forestry, are called widow-makers.It's best to leave these types of trees to fall on their own and then cut for firewood. The broken tops are very unstable and unpredictable.Always plan you escape route and never push on a tree that should fall after the cut! Always walk away at that point.Glad to hear you only need a short recovery. Rest and get well soon!
Paulywood Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Sounds like you got lucky Mik. As they say, better lucky than good. Good luck on the recovery, I know broken ribs suck.
EdB Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 I'm glad you are OK, hope you get well sooner than expected.
GLF Posted March 2, 2009 Author Posted March 2, 2009 Thanks for the kind words. I am doing much better today. The rib is slightly sore, but my foot is killing me. I had ice on all day yesterday, and have ice on it now. I am going to give the foot another day before I go back into the doctors.
Priority1 Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Mike, You are lucky. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Cutting trees is dangerous, especially when they are broken up high, or hang up on the way down. You should never be out there alone. I hope you feel well enough to get out on someone's boat this Spring. Even if you don't feel like sticking a rod in your gut, you may be able to drive. I always have a seat open for you.
GLF Posted March 2, 2009 Author Posted March 2, 2009 Priority1 said: Even if you don't feel like sticking a rod in your gut, you may be able to drive. Upper body is working great. I would love to be out in a boat today with a rod in my gut. Its my foot that is really bothering me. This is setting me back on doing all the things to the boat I needed to do before spring. I will not have the boat ready in time.
Priority1 Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 GLF said: Upper body is working great. I would love to be out in a boat today with a rod in my gut. Its my foot that is really bothering me. This is setting me back on doing all the things to the boat I needed to do before spring. I will not have the boat ready in time. I'm not ready yet, but I will be. I usually have things farther along. If you need a hand just holler.
glnmiller Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Wow Mike, that was a close call. Glad you will heal and be fine. Hope you get well enough to go to D&R this Saturday, if you do I will be sure and find you to say hi.
GLF Posted March 2, 2009 Author Posted March 2, 2009 glnmiller said: Wow Mike, that was a close call. Glad you will heal and be fine. Hope you get well enough to go to D&R this Saturday, if you do I will be sure and find you to say hi.I may be on cruches, but I will be there.
1mainiac Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Mike if you need help with the Boat call me be more than happy to lend a hand. I am closer to your boat than you are so not a big issue to run over and lend a hand if needed. As for cutting down trees with broken tops I tend to notch em and cut one down close by to knock them over with like domino's. Even smaller stuff falling from above can do serious damage. Even when I made my living with a chain saw there were trees I passed on and never cut alone again I don't care how good you are %$#% happens and fast. Now get feeling better and lets go back to talking about fishing.
LongLine Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Glad to hear you're okay. Next time...Don't let there be a next time!Tom B.(LongLine)
A-Fishy-Anado Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Best of luck on the recovery Mike....i would be willing to bet that you find a way to be ready for the spring:confused:I am hoping to get down your way in june before the bite gets heavy here and fish with you guys!!
GLF Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 A-Fishy-Anado said: Best of luck on the recovery Mike....i would be willing to bet that you find a way to be ready for the spring:confused:I am hoping to get down your way in june before the bite gets heavy here and fish with you guys!!Give me some advance notice, and we will plan a trip.
medic Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Glad to hear you're ok, Mike.. I run on a lot of these types of calls and they normally do not have the outcome that you have. The Joe will be there...
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