1mainiac Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 I have received several emails on this so I will ask you what you think? The new dollar coin is missing the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" I for one will not accept them sorry I grew up with strong beliefs in God and Country and this nation was built on them remove either one and we fall fast.
Hotdog71 Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 Hey Jim,I'm right there with you on this one. I'm just curious though, which coin are you referring to? The presidential coins? The reason I ask is the one's my mom just showed me has the inscription along the edge.
1mainiac Posted February 25, 2009 Author Posted February 25, 2009 The new washington dollar I guess I need to look at the edge but received several emails and could notfind it anywhere on the one in my pocket.
Fishwhisperer Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 1 MAINIAC said: The new washington dollar I guess I need to look at the edge but received several emails and could notfind it anywhere on the one in my pocket.It is in-scripted along the edge of the coin.
Losin Lures Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 In God We Trust is written on the edge of the coin not on the face.
shu9265 Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 Sure, put it on the edge, that way it will wear off faster!
1mainiac Posted February 25, 2009 Author Posted February 25, 2009 Still removed from the clearly stamped coins of the past and once we get used to not seeing it on the front it will be gone from the edge.
Rascal Trophy Fishing Posted October 18, 2012 Posted October 18, 2012 I just ran across this sound off and find it interesting. I looked in my coin wallet and found I still have a James Madison dollar coin from last summer someone gave me. It does have the inscription on the edge, and mine is a 2008 model, and sure enough, the saying is not so clear, and wearing off on the edge. I totally agree with all you guys, this is an insult, and is not in keeping with our American traditions, but then look at the Democratic convention last summer when they had to add God to it's platform, and it was really voted down, not passed as political correctness demanded they do. Where do these strange and unpatriotic ideas come from?
danthebuilder Posted October 18, 2012 Posted October 18, 2012 I believe in GOD. I am a Christian. BUT! I believe our country was misinterpreted by Christians saying it is a Christian nation. No, Its not. Its a nation where you're free to choose whatever religion you pick. OR you can decide to not believe in God. You can choose to burn the American flag or burn the bible or burn the quran and not worry about being shot & dragged through the streets. While, I and probably all of you will think pretty negatively about anyone who burns the flag or the bible. We're not crazy enough to go murder people over it. That's the big difference between US and an Islam Nation. Its not that most of us are Christians & most of them are Muslims. Its that we let people choose to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm others. They force people to believe & live by their religious beliefs. We shouldn't do that & we don't do that for the most part.I've been called Judah a few times for saying that. I am fine if you disagree with me. I will stand by God & never deny my beliefs in him. I urge anyone who doesn't believe in God to try to read the bible and seek out an answer for themselves. If you can't find an answer for yourself and end up NOT believing in God. I'm okay with that because that's your choice. I would rather have you tell me the truth then lie. We all know there are tons of people who don't actually believe in God but claim they do just so other Christians will leave them alone. That's not right. So, now. There is where some of you you say "That's not what are founding fathers thought." I argue that in 1797 a few years after our government was founded. The United States government signed the treaty of tripoli. Signed by Adams and also passed unanimously by the senate. Article 11 of it said. Quote Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.So, "in God we trust" I feel should be removed from the currency if it is found offensive by anyone in our country. I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone. I also think The Pledge of Allegiance should be edited to go back to the version used before 1954. When a christian group lobbied to have it modified and added to say "under God".That my friends is seperation of church and state. That is religious freedom. That's whats makes us strong. A nation FILLED with Christians that are not FORCED to be Christians.
1mainiac Posted October 19, 2012 Author Posted October 19, 2012 Since this came back up here is a thought ask any Indian what happens when you don't control immigration. We as a nation are tolerant to our own demise and need to make some changes soon or we will be a former free nation.
Rascal Trophy Fishing Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 With all due respect, I don't agree with all that stuff there Dan. That article 11 which you quoted is part of a treaty with a muslim nation by the USA, and the disclaimer is there to see, it's a treaty, not a constitution nor bill of rights, not even a pledge of allegiance either. Most of the founding fathers were Christians, not atheists, not muslims, not jews, just Europeans that wanted to break with monarchy and violated human rights. To me, and that's just me, I too am a Christian, not a doormat, but, not a finatic either. As for our currency, tradition and 236 years of patriotism, with "In God We Trust" as our position for Americanism, isn't just something to throw to the vultures of today's ararchist type thinking, it's part of all of us, it's not just the religious overtones it may imply, it's our way of thinking and treating one another, our respect for one another, and our allegiance for a peaceful and generous culture. That's what separates us, or used to, from the rest of the world out there, and I for one, am proud of that, and will die by that, if need be. Thanks for letting me ramble and rant a bit.
danthebuilder Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 Rascal Trophy Fishing said: With all due respect, I don't agree with all that stuff there Dan. That article 11 which you quoted is part of a treaty with a muslim nation by the USA, and the disclaimer is there to see, it's a treaty, not a constitution nor bill of rights, not even a pledge of allegiance either. Most of the founding fathers were Christians, not atheists, not muslims, not jews, just Europeans that wanted to break with monarchy and violated human rights. To me, and that's just me, I too am a Christian, not a doormat, but, not a finatic either. As for our currency, tradition and 236 years of patriotism, with "In God We Trust" as our position for Americanism, isn't just something to throw to the vultures of today's ararchist type thinking, it's part of all of us, it's not just the religious overtones it may imply, it's our way of thinking and treating one another, our respect for one another, and our allegiance for a peaceful and generous culture. That's what separates us, or used to, from the rest of the world out there, and I for one, am proud of that, and will die by that, if need be. Thanks for letting me ramble and rant a bit."In God We Trust" has been on some coins dating back since 1864. Its been on paper currency since 1957. It was adopted as the motto of the united states in the 1956. We don't have a 236 year tradition with "In God We Trust". Our founding fathers didn't have the beliefs that this is a christian nation. This is a nation for all religions. Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter saying it. James Madison said it too. The treaty of tripoli ratification proves it again. If they wanted to adopt it as the national religion they would have. Mainly just read the quoted text it goes over the various things said by our founding fathers on religion.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state#United_StatesThe treaty of tripoli was passed in 1797. The Bill of Rights came into effect 1791. I argue that the same people who wrote both documents were around & the same line of thinking was around. Sure, they didn't put it in the bill of rights but the argument made during the writing of the bill of rights surely suggested it. Overall, what the founding fathers said should be required reading for all. I'm cool with people who disagree with me. As long as they know their facts & know what our founding fathers said. Most people have never heard that our founding fathers said. They just assume they were Christians and they believe what they currently believe and how could a christian think anything different.Before the 1950's God was mentioned very little. Its only in the past 60+ years that the christian agenda has been pushed so hard. Before that it was all about religious freedom and not about Christians.
Rascal Trophy Fishing Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 Thanks and one things for sure Dan, you make for interesting reading and history can back you up, at least up to the 1700-1800's in most respects. I was growing up in the 1950's, when Americanism was probably at it's height. Glad I was now looking at today's societal beliefs, or disbeliefs, whichever you choose. And the decaying effect today's lack of beliefs clearly illustrates all around us, from the President now on down the ladder to seaman Joe on the SS Badger, another mindboggling subject of how we need to shut our main job producing industry here in Ludington down for the sake of the green weenies....lol. I guess our 20th century forefathers thought that most free religions believe in the 10 commandments, and as such, that we as Americans should also stand for, or at least have as a blueprint for living daily. That and so much more have in the past and now continue to be tread on and torn down as ancient relics. I guess I should have either been born 200 years earlier, or perhaps 30 years later, then I would fit in better today. Thanks for the educational posts.
1mainiac Posted October 19, 2012 Author Posted October 19, 2012 Perhaps the push Dan refers to is actually the counter to those who want to remove God from every ones life by law. Like the separation of Church and State there is no such thing what there is are rules saying the government cannot infringe on a church or impose religion on anyone. Amendment ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Somehow that has been turned into thousands of pages of law and BS most of it conflicting with the rest of it.
coralee Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 The Federal Government was not to institute a "state" church so that the sovereignty would remain with the states. Now for any who want to know the religious mind set of our nation in the beginning every state constitution refers to a belief in God. Even the supreme court stated that we are (were?) a Christian nation. We have strayed from that mooring however and the effects are not good. If God is real we need to do things His way, if not we are fools for believing in Him. Interestingly in our supreme court the central figure is Moses holding the law of God. I'm not for compelling religion on anyone as I don't have that ability but I am for Christian principles and laws of government as that is the only government that promotes freedom and prosperity. A brief look at government historically and currently will quickly reveal the tyranny of godless government.
Rascal Trophy Fishing Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 You said that very well coralee, and I totally agree, and would hope that the majority of us all do too. Thanks.
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